A 23 year old kid with 4 months minimal driving experience setting up your route "solution ". And you don't see how that could go horribly wrong?
That's the problem with Orion. It's being implemented by people with no real experience doing the job.
Some things you might want to know too. Less miles does mean more stops but Orion also looks at what time you get back to building. Get off early? Well expect more work next day. Have time gaps in your day not accounted for? Expect more stops to fill those in. And my favorite, the whole stop before lunch and after have to be right where you take lunch. So basically if you eat at home, better show a stop on your street and one after. That was a big push with the Orion "team".
Also when they leave, expect your solutions to get worse. Your center manager will be under pressure to cut routes and have everyone run Orion 85%. So if you get off before 7, that will end as you will get more work than before. If your Edd trace is messed up, Orion makes it worse. If it is good, Orion will push you to do resi stops in front of businesses so you'll "run" to make business stops. If your business stops say close at 5pm, watch it put you there around 4 with a lot of resi before that so you'll always be "under pressure ".
But maybe not in the BOG.