I do not mind if people decided to stay part time, in some areas you will lose pension benefits if you went full time. That has to change in 2023, the Company is saving a lot of money when they have a part timer work a full time service year even with them getting O/T after five. They are not creating a legitimate full time position which would be paying into the full timer’s pension trusts, except in the West. They pay on average 100 dollars less in our negotiated Weekly Health and Welfare benefits. They get less vacation pay (20 hours) and inferior disability benefits, if it comes to layoffs the lower seniority part timers will be the first ones out the door.
Most of the part timers in the Central and Southern who work full time hours are high seniority, some have over 35 years in and have quit accruing pension increases. That hurts the full timer’s pension plans were the Company provides monetary contributions of roughly 500 a week. Next contract I expect that the starting wages for part timers will be over 20 an hour, they will try to work them 3.5 or 5 hours, no overtime. All the extra work will given to the
full timers by seniority rights.
Bottom line is that no part timer should be working full time hours for an extended time period. If they wanted to be considered full time they should of bid on a full time position. I know why some stayed part time because of the failure of the international to fix their long term future pension benefits when they have to start all over again in the (full time) pension plan (IBT/UPS)...
Will see if this issue is brought up by the negotiating committees ..