slow down.
it says in my supplement "cover drivers shall not be used to circumvent the terms of this agreement nor to avoid hiring full-time package car drivers in a center. cover drivers may be used as temporary replacements only and not to supplement the work force. if a cover driver continually works less than the cover driver guarantee, or is used for any reason other than as a replacement for full-time package car drivers for the reasons listed in paragraph four (excluding october, november, and december) and a total of 30 days are worked out of a 90 day period, the Company shall add a permanent regular full-time package car job. cover drivers working in excess of one year, either singularly or in combination, covering for a specific person out for either compensation or disability, will in itself create another full-time opening in that classification.
the company had to jump through hoops with the union for the union to let them add this position. even though they can still use cover when needed, the ratio of full-time to cover positions has to be a certain ratio.
its not like they just said "hey lets hire a few cover drivers so we won't have to open up new package car positions."