Election 2016


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
well thats a good point but we do hold the car manufacturers responsible for some things.

who knows how much the gun industry is to blame. theres alot of things you could fix before going to the gun industry.
Yeah if you pulled the trigger and if stuck and just kept firing. Then hold them responsible.

That's the type of thing the car companies get fined for


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.

I don't care who you are this is funny

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
well thats a good point but we do hold the car manufacturers responsible for some things.

who knows how much the gun industry is to blame. theres alot of things you could fix before going to the gun industry.

A direct analogy would be if someone used their car to drive into a crowd of people. A sick person is simply using an object as a weapon. Do some people suggest we could sue Ford if someone did that? You can use just about any object as a weapon.


Well-Known Member
A direct analogy would be if someone used their car to drive into a crowd of people. A sick person is simply using an object as a weapon. Do some people suggest we could sue Ford if someone did that? You can use just about any object as a weapon.
ok well lets change it again. lets say someone watches a violent movie and then goes and shoots a bunch of people. did the movie makers have an effect on that persons violence? certainly because you obviously cant say that a violent movie doesnt have SOME kind of effect on people. but it probably doesnt mean were not gonna have violent movies. question would be if were gonna have violent movies, HOW are we gonna have violent movies? so we plan for this by a rating system, we try and teach people not to be violent, etc.

guns are dangerous too. question do you plan enough or not enough for the negative consequences of gun, or car, or violent movies.

back i dunno before the 1970s cars were made for style not safety, and the automakers knew this and covered it up because they wanted to push style. so automakers said if you get in an accident, its the drivers fault not theirs, which was bull:censored2:. so hood ornaments impaled people, steering columns hurt people, etc. so they got regulated more and cars are safer. doesnt mean regulations are always good, or always bad. it can be either.


Well-Known Member
ok well lets change it again. lets say someone watches a violent movie and then goes and shoots a bunch of people. did the movie makers have an effect on that persons violence? certainly because you obviously cant say that a violent movie doesnt have SOME kind of effect on people. but it probably doesnt mean were not gonna have violent movies. question would be if were gonna have violent movies, HOW are we gonna have violent movies? so we plan for this by a rating system, we try and teach people not to be violent, etc.

guns are dangerous too. question do you plan enough or not enough for the negative consequences of gun, or car, or violent movies.

back i dunno before the 1970s cars were made for style not safety, and the automakers knew this and covered it up because they wanted to push style. so automakers said if you get in an accident, its the drivers fault not theirs, which was bull:censored2:. so hood ornaments impaled people, steering columns hurt people, etc. so they got regulated more and cars are safer. doesnt mean regulations are always good, or always bad. it can be either.

is that what happens in Canada?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
That's one of Trumps' fibs - he's not entirely using his own money.

He's taking donations - get your facts straight!
Any really large donations like all the other candidates are taking?

Any super pacs backing Trump like they are Hillary, Kasich and Cruz?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
''Trump is using his own money........so the GOP isn't wasting any with him!!! Get your facts straight""~moreluck

You gotta love the gulibility of the senior citizens of this country. Tell them something out of context and they believe hook line and sinker.


"During the last quarter of 2015, Trump's campaign raised $13.5 million, less than GOP rival Ted Cruz ($20 million) and on par with Marco Rubio ($14 million). But, unlike those two, Trump's haul came straight from the candidate — $10.8 million in loans.Feb 24, 2016"

So far morelock, Trump has LOANED his campaign 17 million dollars in which he plans to reimburse himself when he wins the nomination. His MISTRUTH that he is self funding is the JOKE and that joke is on YOU.

Along with his superpacs and his websites, he is raising campaign money from voters.


Its a convenient lie that the low information republican will believe, but how hard is that to pull off??

A real carnival barker can sell anything to anyone. PT BARNUM said it best, "there is a sucker born every minute"

Your minute just passed moreluck.

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golden ticket member
Creative ? I didn't make this up, so I didn't create it. If Trump is raising money and giving it to the RNC....maybe it'll guarantee him some fair treatment come Cleveland.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
""Creative ? I didn't make this up, so I didn't create it. If Trump is raising money and giving it to the RNC....maybe it'll guarantee him some fair treatment come Cleveland.""~moreluck

this is the problem when you just REPEAT what you hear on Fox news.

Trump is now helping to raise money for the RNC, so the RNC can give him money to REPAY the loans he made to his own campaign.

Geez, you people

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golden ticket member
You people ??? Is that old people, stupid people, black people, female people, Indian chiefs, rappers, trannies, jocks, Martians......??????