You guys all laughed when I told you last week that Trump would win with 278 EC votes. GOP would hold onto a 1 seat majority in the Senate while the Dems would pick up 3-5 seats in the House. Doesn't look like it will be too far off.
Won't hurt my feelings if Trump wins when you look at what he'll be confronted with.
1. COVID out of control. Death toll rising. National healthcare system severely strained.
2. Budgets of numerous states busted due to COVID. It will likely require as new stimulus packing involving heavy federal borrowing to rescue them or let them borrow it requiring state income taxes to increase . or just pass it down to the local and let them figure out what to do . Roads won't get fixed, schools not getting enough support. Numerous essential public services badly underfunded.
3. Globally. Trump doesn't scare Xi, Putin or Kim.
4. Civil unrest. Can't send federal troops everywhere. Not enough of them to go around.....Unless he activates the draft.
Remember people often get tired of presidents in their second term making them a lot less successful in that second term.