Election predictions

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
doubt it, and joe biden is a right winger anyways, i think the rest of the west would consider him far right wing, he would be in canada anyways based on his anti govt healthcare, guaranteed vacation, maternity leave, free college, lock em up policy, racism, etc.

Joe Biden will be brain dead or fully dead before we know it. His VP, who will become President, is hard left.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about Harris win or lose . Worry about John Hickenlooper and Mark Kelly. In fact some Reps are saying that Kelly is the one they are most concerned about and in their opinion is the strongest Democrat going onto the national political stage.
Hickenlooper got no traction in his presidential bid last year. He sounded like a reasonable person but everything was being pushed far left.


Inordinately Right
Cool facts Jack
Legislatures make election laws.
The legitimacy of changing election dates would obviously go back to the supreme court.

I'm not sure why you're so concerned about PA though. Nevada would give Biden the win, you don't think Democrats will be able to manufacture that for him?



Well-Known Member
You guys all laughed when I told you last week that Trump would win with 278 EC votes. GOP would hold onto a 1 seat majority in the Senate while the Dems would pick up 3-5 seats in the House. Doesn't look like it will be too far off.

Won't hurt my feelings if Trump wins when you look at what he'll be confronted with.
1. COVID out of control. Death toll rising. National healthcare system severely strained.
2. Budgets of numerous states busted due to COVID. It will likely require as new stimulus packing involving heavy federal borrowing to rescue them or let them borrow it requiring state income taxes to increase . or just pass it down to the local and let them figure out what to do . Roads won't get fixed, schools not getting enough support. Numerous essential public services badly underfunded.
3. Globally. Trump doesn't scare Xi, Putin or Kim.
4. Civil unrest. Can't send federal troops everywhere. Not enough of them to go around.....Unless he activates the draft.

Remember people often get tired of presidents in their second term making them a lot less successful in that second term.
Dems have lost seats in the House, GOP looks to be holding 4 seat majority in the Senate. Not a blue wave election.


Well-Known Member
If Biden wins he will quickly step down and leave Harris in charge. The result would be massive red waves in 2022 and 2024
I think even Democrats will get tired of Harris pretty quickly. Maybe if we capture the House in 2022 we can find some B.S. to impeach her on. That seems to be a legit political strategy these days.


nowhere special
I think even Democrats will get tired of Harris pretty quickly. Maybe if we capture the House in 2022 we can find some B.S. to impeach her on. That seems to be a legit political strategy these days.
She is a very unlikeable person that couldn't come close to winning the Dem nomination on her own.


Well-Known Member
Biden has about a month of life left in him. But lets be honest. They werent electing Joe or Kamala, they were electing Obama and Michelle again cause they know they will be running things from behind the scenes along with Hillary. Both Joe and Kamala are just placeholders, like paper-weights.

I still think the Republicans kind of deserve this kick in the gut due to dragging feet on voter reform. Its been an obvious problem since GW Bush and theyve done little to nothing to close fraud loopholes.


Well-Known Member
Biden has about a month of life left in him. But lets be honest. They werent electing Joe or Kamala, they were electing Obama and Michelle again cause they know they will be running things from behind the scenes along with Hillary. Both Joe and Kamala are just placeholders, like paper-weights.

I still think the Republicans kind of deserve this kick in the gut due to dragging feet on voter reform. Its been an obvious problem since GW Bush and theyve done little to nothing to close fraud loopholes.
The Obamas and Clintons are over. There's a never ending supply of people seeking power in both parties and they don't want to give it to has beens. And everyone knows that the Clintons and Obamas have made their money and only want to weigh in with their opinions at this point to feel relevant. Be more worried about the really rich guys behind the scenes like Soros who have power by donating large sums.


Well-Known Member
Biden has about a month of life left in him. But lets be honest. They werent electing Joe or Kamala, they were electing Obama and Michelle again cause they know they will be running things from behind the scenes along with Hillary. Both Joe and Kamala are just placeholders, like paper-weights.

I still think the Republicans kind of deserve this kick in the gut due to dragging feet on voter reform. Its been an obvious problem since GW Bush and theyve done little to nothing to close fraud loopholes.
voter reform LOL

republicans can only win by suppressing the vote including hte electoral college


Well-Known Member
The Obamas and Clintons are over. There's a never ending supply of people seeking power in both parties and they don't want to give it to has beens. And everyone knows that the Clintons and Obamas have made their money and only want to weigh in with their opinions at this point to feel relevant. Be more worried about the really rich guys behind the scenes like Soros who have power by donating large sums.
obama did some work for biden this election like before super tuesday