

Well-Known Member
I fixed it for ya!

Don't blame the dog for how it's owners failed to train and respect that poor animal. If you were locked up in a cage half your life and had no sense of security, were beat and abused and starved by humans, how would you act?

I thought for a minute you guys were talking about kids and public schools but then I saw the dogs mentioned.


Staff member
I fixed it for ya!

Don't blame the dog for how it's owners failed to train and respect that poor animal. If you were locked up in a cage half your life and had no sense of security, were beat and abused and starved by humans, how would you act?
Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't blame the dog, I simply wouldn't bring one of them into my house to try to get it to be civilized with my kids.


Staff member
I thought for a minute you guys were talking about kids and public schools but then I saw the dogs mentioned.
My kids are doing very well in public schools. They haven't peed on me, growled at me, or bit me in over 72 hours.


Für Meno :)
Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't blame the dog, I simply wouldn't bring one of them into my house to try to get it to be civilized with my kids.

I myself adopted a German Shepard from the SPCA, it wasn't mean at all, quite the opposite - it was timid !
Must have been beaten, but sure was the best dog I ever owned.
Very smart, did all the tricks I taught it very easily, even though it was already a 3 yr old dog.
Wasn't shy towards me, but every stranger.
Even when walking it, it would avoid other people, (stangers), as far as the leash would reach.

Once the dog got to know other people, such as my friends, then it was ok with them.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You claim to roll with the best, yet buy a dog that didn't need to be bred by a family that (most likely) beats and starves its transportation, i.e. horse. You really have no conscience. I now know why you are hated. I have joined that club with that last post. BTW, I really don't care what you think, but if you must waste space with a post, please make it coherent.

Hmm? Now youre a hater? Ok, lets see if your logic applies. You hate me for having a dog sent in a custom crate, sedated in an aircraft, but you will support MITT ROMNEY who along with his wife will put his dressage horses on an airplane and fly them overseas for competitions and youre cool with that?

The Romneys' Dancing Horse Competes Without Them - ABC News

DO you think Ann Romney straps her horses to the roof of the plane as her husband straps his dog to the roof?

""…you may not be familiar with the 1983 story where Romney crammed his five children, wife and luggage into the family station wagon for a 12-hour drive to the family cottage at Beach O’Pines from Boston to Ontario. The family dog, an Irish Setter named Seamus was placed in a dog carrier and fastened to the station wagon’s roof rack….
Now brace yourself for the ugly part of the story when one of Romney’s sons yells out the word ‘gross’ as he sees a brown watery discharge running down the back window. Poor Seamus’ bowels let loose from the extreme distress of being on top of the car roof.
So what did our potential presidential candidate do? Romney pulled into a service station, hosed down Seamus, the cage and the car, and then put Seamus back on top of the car in his crate and continued on with the journey to Ontario."""

And you HATE ME?? Looks like youve joined two clubs at once, the haters club and the hypocrisy club. :whatever:




The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
IF you must know, I have 2 little girls who are allergic to dogs. A HYBRID F3 dog Golden Doodle is a non allergenic dog who doesnt shed. It also doesnt have dander. Great for kids who are allergic to dogs.

Sometimes, like the ROMNEYS, you have to spend a little more money to get what you want. An ROMNEY spends a minimum of 150.000 on horses and has them flown all over the world and she wont even say how many she owns and neither will MITT, but you all seem to support that, but I buy one dog and fly him across the country and you got your panties in a bunch?

HAHAHAHAh dont make me laugh. Oh wait, you did.




bella amicizia
Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't blame the dog, I simply wouldn't bring one of them into my house to try to get it to be civilized with my kids.
I understand that. Just don't blame the dog of being the way he is; I doubt the dog wanted to live like that.


Strength through joy
[h=1]DOJ Asked to Investigate How Obama Campaign Co-Chair Obtained Stolen IRS Tax Return[/h]
[h=2]The National Organization for Marriage is asking the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute the individuals responsible for leaking the organization’s confidential U.S. tax return and then illegally publishing it.[/h] The stolen tax return was first published by the Human Rights Campaign and subsequently the Huffington Post. HRC is led by Joe Solmonese, who also serves as a co-chairman of President Obama's reelection committee.


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Sounds like somebody is afraid of losing an election. Gee, lets see, its ok for MITT ROMNEY to buy his way to a default nomination and run his opponents out of money, but OBAMA is a jerk for raising more money than ROmney? Romney is already 10 to 1 behind in fund raising and OBAMA will not take goverment money this election year and that will prevent Romney from getting it as well.

Look for Romney to ask Obama to take the goverment money so he can take taxpayer money to fund his campaign. AINT GONNA HAPPEN! IF the GOP is angry that OBAMA has more money, maybe those of you who foolishly spent your money on CAIN should ask for a refund?





golden ticket member
Sounds like somebody is afraid of losing an election. Gee, lets see, its ok for MITT ROMNEY to buy his way to a default nomination and run his opponents out of money, but OBAMA is a jerk for raising more money than ROmney? Romney is already 10 to 1 behind in fund raising and OBAMA will not take goverment money this election year and that will prevent Romney from getting it as well.

Look for Romney to ask Obama to take the goverment money so he can take taxpayer money to fund his campaign. AINT GONNA HAPPEN! IF the GOP is angry that OBAMA has more money, maybe those of you who foolishly spent your money on CAIN should ask for a refund?



Win , Lose? That's got nothing to do with it......it's about, how in the hell do you ever "do the job" if you never stop fund raising & campaigning ??? He's AWOL as a leader!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Win , Lose? That's got nothing to do with it......it's about, how in the hell do you ever "do the job" if you never stop fund raising & campaigning ??? He's AWOL as a leader!!

AWOL? hmm, lets see, ended one war, stopped the bleeding from the worse recession since the great depression, 3 tax cuts for the middle class, thousands of manufacturing jobs created, unemployment down to 8.1%, ending a second war, killing UBL, killing 30 top al qaeda leaders that BUSH couldnt, health care reform, turn around of wall street, turn around of our banking industry, correcting the housing market, green energy projects started in all 50 states, equal pay for women, debt relief for our veterans, and the best apart of his leadership?


He aint no BUSH!




golden ticket member
Saturday, May 5, 2012 @ 5:20 pm | Second Deck Empty: Obama Launches His Reelection Campaign Before Half-Full House
View from floor during @BarackObama speech. Not the “overflow” crowd he promised.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Saturday, May 5, 2012 @ 5:20 pm | Second Deck Empty: Obama Launches His Reelection Campaign Before Half-Full House

View from floor during @BarackObama speech. Not the “overflow” crowd he promised.

This is why you should play in the gutter..... GUTTER WEASAL posts a picture featuring empty seats calling it half empty. You subscribe to it, you read it, you cut and paste it. Problem is, you dont FACT CHECK IT.

Unlike your photo from gutter weasal showing the speech before it ever happened, take a look at these photos while OBAMA was speaking.

Even if it was half full, its still 75% better than this photo:


Good luck in 2012 with this kind of crowd appeal!


