

golden ticket member
I thought so. CLUELESS.

50 thousand anti obama posts and NOT ONE post describing the direction ROMNEY Will take the nation using ACTUAL facts from ROMNEY.

I imagine it all comes back to voting the black guy out.


It's all about voting the guy out before he destroys the entire root system of the country. Yes, he is HALF black..........his actions require that I vote him out!


Für Meno :)
It's all about voting the guy out before he destroys the entire root system of the country. Yes, he is HALF black..........his actions require that I vote him out!

You're right !
He should have left GM and Chrsler shut the doors, like Romney wanted.
He also shouldn't have killed Osama Bin Laden.

And his biggest mistake was trying to make millionaires and billionaires pay more on taxes.
A good prez would have made those Bush tax cuts permanant, and just lay off more police, teachers, fighre fighters and all other government workers.

Maybe the bible is right ? The world will come to an end in fire - it probably meant the new world though (USA).
With no services left to extinguish any.

Enjoy those aswesome tax cuts and the lowest taxes ever paid in over 50 years !
But, remember, you get what you pay for !


golden ticket member
You're right !
He should have left GM and Chrsler shut the doors, like Romney wanted.
He also shouldn't have killed Osama Bin Laden.

And his biggest mistake was trying to make millionaires and billionaires pay more on taxes.
A good prez would have made those Bush tax cuts permanant, and just lay off more police, teachers, fighre fighters and all other government workers.

Maybe the bible is right ? The world will come to an end in fire - it probably meant the new world though (USA).
With no services left to extinguish any.

Enjoy those aswesome tax cuts and the lowest taxes ever paid in over 50 years !
But, remember, you get what you pay for !
Blah, blah, blah....yada, yada, yada..........like a broken record!!


Für Meno :)
Romney's timing was right on, as acres and acres keep burning away in Colorado and New Mexico, telling them "We don't need more fire fighters" !
Too bad Obama said the opposite, eh ?

I could not even imagine if Obama would have said, "no need for fire fighters" and the outrage you and the c9ners would have right now !

Oh well, California seems to burrn every year or atleast every other year.
You'll be happy too, when Romney lays them (fire fighters), all off, right ?

Let it burn !


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Romney's timing was right on, as acres and acres keep burning away in Colorado and New Mexico, telling them "We don't need more fire fighters" !
Too bad Obama said the opposite, eh ?

I could not even imagine if Obama would have said, "no need for fire fighters" and the outrage you and the c9ners would have right now !

Oh well, California seems to burrn every year or atleast every other year.
You'll be happy too, when Romney lays them (fire fighters), all off, right ?

Let it burn !
So, you think the gov't (Obama or maybe Romney) has anythng to do with fire, cops & teachers ?? The Fed doesn't pay fireman.....each state handles their own teachers, cops, firemen..................

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I thought so. CLUELESS.

50 thousand anti obama posts and NOT ONE post describing the direction ROMNEY Will take the nation using ACTUAL facts from ROMNEY.

I imagine it all comes back to voting the black guy out.



And you are so different with your 50 gazillion racist, bigoted anti-right-of-you hate posts! HA! HA!

Sometimes you need to s-p-e-l-l it out for the loons.... This is a r-e-friend-e-r-e-n-d-u-m on the o-c-c-u-p-a-n-t of OUR White House. We want him, his cabinet and his so-called administration G-O-N-E before he can do any more d-a-m-a-g-e to OUR nation. Romney will do something d-i-friend-friend-e-r-e-n-t and if that does not work he will try something else until it does. He won't play the blame game, he will hold himself and his administration a-c-c-o-u-n-t-a-b-l-e and he will m-e-n-d the rift the extremely partisan occupant of OUR White House has caused. Romney will l-e-a-d not d-i-v-i-d-e us.

I realize that what the loons actually see and read in right-of-them leaning posts are BLAH-BLAH-BLAH! !!!

Here is a news flash for you loons. People who are going to vote for Romney realize he will do exactly the opposite this occupant is doing (or not doing). That is the d-i-r-e-c-t-i-o-n and p-l-a-n and a-c-t-i-o-n we want. Romney does not need to spell that out for us!!!


Strength through joy
Im still waiting for your description of ROMNEYS plan to save the nation.

Please post it.


Do you mean something like bhos said in 2008 ?
Because it's coming true soon, your electricity rates are going to skyrocket.
You can kiss any recovery good-bye.
Higher rates = lower jobs.
Lower jobs = less taxes collected.
Less taxes collected = layoffs of public sector employees.


Strength through joy
Romney's timing was right on, as acres and acres keep burning away in Colorado and New Mexico, telling them "We don't need more fire fighters" !
Too bad Obama said the opposite, eh ?

I could not even imagine if Obama would have said, "no need for fire fighters" and the outrage you and the c9ners would have right now !

Oh well, California seems to burrn every year or atleast every other year.
You'll be happy too, when Romney lays them (fire fighters), all off, right ?

Let it burn !
Tell me klein, how does your country fight forest fires ?
Or do they just let it burn.


Für Meno :)
Tell me klein, how does your country fight forest fires ?
Or do they just let it burn.

As a country with 1 of the largest forests areas on the planet we all well equipt to deal with them all.
Alberta alone had around 10 forest fires burning all at once, all across the province last month.

In matter of fact, we are so well equipt that we always have extra fire figters, planes, water bombers to help out the USA every year.

It all comes with a price tag in form of higher taxes than our southern neighbors, but atleast infrastructure and services are kept up to date, have healthcare for all, and adequate policing , firefighters, and number of teachers - even better education then most countries.


golden ticket member
Guess what....even when people didn't live on earth, mother nature made fires from lightenig and did burns all the time without our butting in !!


golden ticket member
As a country with 1 of the largest forests areas on the planet we all well equipt to deal with them all.
Alberta alone had around 10 forest fires burning all at once, all across the province last month.

In matter of fact, we are so well equipt that we always have extra fire figters, planes, water bombers to help out the USA every year.

It all comes with a price tag in form of higher taxes than our southern neighbors, but atleast infrastructure and services are kept up to date, have healthcare for all, and adequate policing , firefighters, and number of teachers - even better education then most countries.
blah, blah, Canada, blah, blah, best, blah, blah, greatest, blah blah, mindblowing, blah, blah, ad nauseum, blah, blah blows chunks,blah, blah ,


Für Meno :)
Listen, all the republicans need to do is look at Europe and what all those tough austierty measures did to it.
England is back into recession after introducing really tough cuts 2 years ago.
Greece, which was fforced into really tough austierty has now an unmemployment rate of 22% !
Spain, Portugal, and Italy not far off at 15% and above unemployment.

That alone should say you need a balanced approach, and just not cut-backs !
And cut backs in infrastucture is just another way of kicking the can down the road, because eventually those new roads and bridges will need to be built, and probably at a much higher price in the future, too.


golden ticket member
Via Business Insider:
President Barack Obama is rapidly losing support among African-American voters in North Carolina, a new poll out today from the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling shows.

The poll finds that Mitt Romney would get 20 percent of the African-American vote if the election were held today, compared with 76 percent for Obama. Overall, Romney has a 48 percent to 46 percent lead on Obama in the crucial swing state.

Obama received 95 percent of the support from African-Americans in North Carolina in the 2008 election, compared with just 5 percent for Republican nominee John McCain.

In PPP’s May poll, Obama received 87 percent of the African-American vote to Romney’s 11 percent.

All of Obama’s numbers with African-Americans are sliding. His approval rating is down from 86 percent to 77 percent. Romney’s favorability, meanwhile, has doubled from 9 percent to 18 percent.