

Well-Known Member
That's why I'm out to abolish gov't and I never run for office as I want to save the masses from me!

BTW: #1 would eliminate me because charming I'm not. I tell people what they don't want to here and that alone never works in politics.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Change directions? Change directions to what?

The same old failed policies that led our nation into a near depression? Tax cuts for the rich like BUSH did in 2001 and lost 11 million jobs? Tax cuts for the rich and a giant hole punched in the national debt for the rest of us to pay for down the line?

Change directions to a political party that wants to cut the salaries of police, fire, teachers, nurses and all union jobs but CUT the taxes for the richest americans??

Yea, thats a real course correction alright!

Lets go back to where BUSH left the ship!!

RUN on that record!




golden ticket member
Change directions? Change directions to what?

The same old failed policies that led our nation into a near depression? Tax cuts for the rich like BUSH did in 2001 and lost 11 million jobs? Tax cuts for the rich and a giant hole punched in the national debt for the rest of us to pay for down the line?

Change directions to a political party that wants to cut the salaries of police, fire, teachers, nurses and all union jobs but CUT the taxes for the richest americans??

Yea, thats a real course correction alright!

Lets go back to where BUSH left the ship!!

RUN on that record!



"Back to Bush". That's all the DNC knows and you repeat it like Debbie Downer told you to. Good soldier!


Strength through joy
Ok, I'll take up your challenge.
CZARS, who only report to the potus, and not confirmed by CONGRESS.
Old established Dems who have decided to leave office early.
No budgets in 3-4 years, and every budget submitted by the potus gets zero votes in favor.
Now what is bhos going to do if he/she wins in 2012, since he/she only knows campaign mode ?
Four years of having nothing to do ?
Who will he/she blame next ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Then apparently given that date limit 2001-2008, then someone else must be responsible and in charge since 2008 .....Huh?

AS suspected, you dont have the first clue what direction ROMNEY would go in. You just do as your told no matter how it affects you personally.




Staff member
I'm just a dumb truck driver---can you please explain that to me?

If any senator or representative had thought that McCain/Feingold would have changed anything, they wouldn't have voted for it. When it looks like the "wrong" candidate might win, they begin to rescind people's constitutional right to vote.


Für Meno :)
Well, 1 good thing will come out of it if Romney and the republicans win, which is rasing the debt ceiling this upcoming January without hesitation and not being downgraded again.


Staff member
Well, 1 good thing will come out of it if Romney and the republicans win, which is rasing the debt ceiling this upcoming January without hesitation and not being downgraded again.
Maybe not. I could see a bunch of bitter House democrats resorting to Tea Party tactics. Remember, in America, minority rules.


golden ticket member
[h=2]Obama Raffles Off Yet Another Chance For Obamabots To Eat Dinner With Chicago Jesus, “Nothing Beats This”…[/h]

Prediction time: At some time relatively soon there will be “huge news” that Mooch will be joining them.
From: Barack Obama
Subject: Nothing beats this
Date: June 11, 2012 9:06:00 AM EDT
To: Drew
Drew –
I’ll get this out of the way: The next special event for supporters won’t be at George Clooney’s house.
That’s OK — because as nice as big events can be, it’s always fun when just a few of us can sit down around the dinner table.
So why don’t you toss your name in to join me at the next dinner?
I get to meet a lot of people out on the campaign trail, but nothing beats face-to-face conversations around the table. Talking to folks like you affirms my belief in an America where everyone gets a fair shot, does their fair share, and plays by the same set of rules — I come away from each dinner with stories I carry with me every day.
It’s safe to say this will be one of the last dinners like these of the campaign.
You should think about being a part of the next one.
Enter today for your shot to be there:
