

golden ticket member
(Daily Mail) — Tonight is set to be a busy night for Barack Obama, as he speaks at not one but two A-list fundraising events in Manhattan.

However, the President’s re-election campaign will not have to pay the full cost of his jaunt to the Big Apple, as he is combining the trip with an official event which will be charged to the taxpayer.

Before the fundraisers, one at Sarah Jessica Parker’s house and one at the five-star Plaza Hotel, Mr Obama scheduled a visit to the World Trade Center site.
Mr Obama has now held more fundraising events than the last six presidents combined, leading to his opponents coining the derisive nickname ‘Campaigner in Chief’.
He frequently combines the events with his official duties, which allows his re-election campaign to defray the President’s travel costs by charging part of them to the public purse.

For a trip like today’s, involving both official duties and campaign events, a formula is applied so that the campaign pays part of the costs – but it still works out cheaper than making a trip purely for campaigning.
The World Trade Center, which Mr Obama has visited several times before, is a major building project and recipient of generous federal aid, as well as an iconic national memorial.

It is unclear what prompted the President to return to the site on this occasion.
Some New Yorkers reacted with anger at the prospect of footing the bill for Mr Obama’s fundraising visit to the city.

Lauren Greenwood, a 28-year-old who works in medical sales, said that while she had no objection to the President attending campaign events, ‘it shouldn’t be on New York taxpayers’ dollars to support him having parties.’


golden ticket member
Can links to Weaselzippers be banned?

I'm willing to listen to reasonable debate, but not unreasonable hate.
You would have to ban Huffington, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, Politico, Wall Street Journal and many many others......all of which are featured on WZ. The previous clip was CNN....yeah, let's ban them!!

The truth hurts??

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You would have to ban Huffington, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, Politico, Wall Street Journal and many many others......all of which are featured on WZ. The previous clip was CNN....yeah, let's ban them!!

The truth hurts??

Again, point us to a section of the video where we are suppose to hear that there is NO PLAN?




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Nope, the interpretation of the facts is a bit painful, though. Reading comprehension, my dear, hence the second sentence I posted. Comments out of context, twisted to mean something other than intended.

You do realize Willard is a Mormon, and that is considered a cult by most Catholics, and that Mormons have an agenda in politics, right? You, as a devout Catholic should be opposed to Willard Romney just on principle, but that would require principles.

You do realize all the MSM is owned by large corporations that really aren't interested in objective news reporting, right? I'm assuming that you realize all politicians are just politicians, and really have no scruples, only a love of power.


golden ticket member
Nope, the interpretation of the facts is a bit painful, though. Reading comprehension, my dear, hence the second sentence I posted. Comments out of context, twisted to mean something other than intended.

You do realize Willard is a Mormon, and that is considered a cult by most Catholics, and that Mormons have an agenda in politics, right? You, as a devout Catholic should be opposed to Willard Romney just on principle, but that would require principles.

You do realize all the MSM is owned by large corporations that really aren't interested in objective news reporting, right? I'm assuming that you realize all politicians are just politicians, and really have no scruples, only a love of power.
You realize Harry Reid is a Mormon and there are 30 others in the congress.......Hatch is one too.
If I post an entire story, there are no comments by me. You may call it twisted and I may call it the truth.

I'm Catholic and don't consider LDS a cult. I never said I was devout.....twisting things? Lived in Utah twice. The people are very much a "do unto others" kind of people. Try Scientology if you want to focus on a cult.

If you don't like hearing the truth about our failed leader, then post your own words praising the messiah.....or, meet TOS for coffee and chat away!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Nope, the interpretation of the facts is a bit painful, though. Reading comprehension, my dear, hence the second sentence I posted. Comments out of context, twisted to mean something other than intended.

You do realize Willard is a Mormon, and that is considered a cult by most Catholics, and that Mormons have an agenda in politics, right? You, as a devout Catholic should be opposed to Willard Romney just on principle, but that would require principles.

You do realize all the MSM is owned by large corporations that really aren't interested in objective news reporting, right? I'm assuming that you realize all politicians are just politicians, and really have no scruples, only a love of power.

Have you been drinking and posting?
I don't know you but I do know one thing... You fit the hater posters here to a tee with that post. Your statement is that of a bigot. I could care less if you are a Catholic or not. But don't you dare think you can talk for what most Catholics (devout or otherwise) should believe. As a Catholic who's uncle is a retired Bishop of Montana and having been around devout Catholics my entire life and 12 years of Catholic school, I have never heard disparaging words about someone else's religious beliefs. You have a lot of gaul.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama’s Former Harvard Law Prof: “President Obama must be defeated in the coming election”

DId you even listen to what this guy says?? The very first part of the video he SLAMS THE REPUBILCANS and says they would be a DISASTER for the american people. Do you even know who this guy is??

Or did you just run with the gutter weasals headlined claims?

Roberto Mangabeira Unger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This guy is an ULTRA LEFTIST from BRAZIL.

He says OBAMA should be defeated because he FAILED TO PRODUCE THE UBER LEFTIST AGENDA, in other words, he is too MODERATE for his taste!!

Dont you guys listen to anything or does comprehension escape you?

The very first part of the video he explains WHY the republicans are :censored2:bags and should not be trusted at the helm of the country.

He doesnt DISLIKE OBAMA because he is left or democratic, he dislikes OBAMA because he doesnt go FAR ENOUGH to the left!!

Chose a side BABA... either OBAMA is a leftist in your mind, or you believe this kook and think OBAMA should be a part of the NEO-liberals that UNGER is trying to create worldwide.

Sheesh.... you and the missy, headline grabbers, zero comprehension.




golden ticket member


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Have you been drinking and posting?
I don't know you but I do know one thing... You fit the hater posters here to a tee with that post. Your statement is that of a bigot. I could care less if you are a Catholic or not. But don't you dare think you can talk for what most Catholics (devout or otherwise) should believe. As a Catholic who's uncle is a retired Bishop of Montana and having been around devout Catholics my entire life and 12 years of Catholic school, I have never heard disparaging words about someone else's religious beliefs. You have a lot of gaul.


No disparaging words at all, just that the Catholic Church does not consider Mormonism to be a Christian religion, and their views on Jesus Christ would have them considered a cult by many Roman Catholics, same as Jehovah's Witnesses, Followers of Sun Myung Moon, and Christian Scientists.

I think that your own mistaken view of what the word 'cult' means is the source of your outrage. One definition of a cult in the Catholic Church is belief in heretical ideas or practices. Mormonism would fall under this definition.

Check Catholic.com if you don't believe me.


golden ticket member
Who really cares about that ? There are already Mormons throughout the government..........heck,you had a Quaker president.

The only time any of the religion stuff bothers me is when a person is 2-faced....like when Pelosi says she's a devout Catholic and yet thinks abortion is okey-dokey.