Who really cares about that ? There are already Mormons throughout the government..........heck,you had a Quaker president.
The only time any of the religion stuff bothers me is when a person is 2-faced....like when Pelosi says she's a devout Catholic and yet thinks abortion is okey-dokey.
Quakers are a sect, not a cult. Big difference.
No disparaging words at all, just that the Catholic Church does not consider Mormonism to be a Christian religion, and their views on Jesus Christ would have them considered a cult by many Roman Catholics, same as Jehovah's Witnesses, Followers of Sun Myung Moon, and Christian Scientists.
I think that your own mistaken view of what the word 'cult' means is the source of your outrage. One definition of a cult in the Catholic Church is belief in heretical ideas or practices. Mormonism would fall under this definition.
Check Catholic.com if you don't believe me.
your BFF only likes Real Clear Politics polls and thinks all other polls are bogus. 734 likely voters is not a lot.....an extemely small sample.New poll just released :
Poll showing Obama 13 points ahead raises eyebrows
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After weeks of national polls showing the U.S. presidential race as a near dead heat, a survey on Wednesday raised eyebrows by giving President Barack Obama a commanding 13-point lead over his Republican rival Mitt Romney.
The Bloomberg poll showed Obama leading Romney 53 percent to 40 percent among likely voters. Most polls show the two candidates tied, or within a couple of points of one another.
The Bloomberg survey showed the public giving Obama low marks on his handling of the economy and the deficit, and six out of 10 said the country is headed down the wrong track. But only 39 percent viewed Romney favorably and 48 percent see him unfavorably, which Bloomberg said might reflect damage he suffered during his tough fight for the Republican nomination.
your BFF only likes Real Clear Politics polls and thinks all other polls are bogus. 734 likely voters is not a lot.....an extemely small sample.
Oh, a compilation....just like Weasl Zipper with stories from many sources!!!!!Real clear isnt a polling company, its a COMPILATION of ALL the polls in the country. Its the best place to see the true nature of the country, and they are NEVER WRONG, unlike Rassmussen / FOX SPEWS which is always wrong.
Rasmussen & Fox are 2 of the components of the real clear compilation that you rely on......try again!!Real clear isnt a polling company, its a COMPILATION of ALL the polls in the country. Its the best place to see the true nature of the country, and they are NEVER WRONG, unlike Rassmussen / FOX SPEWS which is always wrong.
Rasmussen & Fox are 2 of the components of the real clear compilation that you rely on......try again!!
Doyou really hear yourself????*
LOOK, Real Clear uses ALL (that means everything) the polls in the country ( that means the USA, and fox is in the USA) the rassmussen/fox polls are included in the complilation ( that means together) and an average is created.
That average is displayed at the top of the charts after ALL the charts are factored in.
Real Clear has never been WRONG on its polling data. I posted the polling data for the entire year 2008 mccain/Obama and the polling was DEAD NUTS ACCURATE. Only FOX/Rassmussen was wrong the entire year.
Sorry, your programmers are NOT RELIABLE.
Doyou really hear yourself????
You discredit a couple polling sites and then say they are OK when in the mixture and an average is taken. Either they are good polls or they are bogus polls. They can't be both.
I hope you are right about Fox being wrong because for the longest time they've had Obama ahead by more than the error margin.
Used to be you threw out the high, threw out the low and averaged the rest. Works with real estate, works with grades, etcYour not listening, let me try it again.
FOX AND RASSMUSSEN are polls in the USA ( thats where you and I live) REAL CLEAR INCLUDES those polls with the all the other polls in the USA (where we live) in order to establish an AVERAGE.
Whether or not FOX is right or wrong is IRRELEVANT because real clear is only establishing an AVERAGE of ALL polls.
its NOT about being right or wrong, its the AVERAGE that is important MORELUCK.
The calculations are really simple, all the POSITIVES minus the NEGATIVES and PRESTO... an AVERAGE.
Got it now??