
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Gee,not like '08....
(The Sacramento Bee) — President Barack Obama was the only choice on the ballot for the 85,000 Sacramento County Democrats and 5,000 decline-to-state voters who took Democratic ballots during last Tuesday’s primary. But about 8,000 of those voters left their presidential ballots blank, and another 5,300 scribbled in a write-in candidate.

The Democrats who shunned Obama were largely concentrated in conservative parts of the county, particularly Orangevale, Citrus Heights and the rural outskirts.

Democrats were about three times more likely to not pick a candidate or write someone in than Republicans in Tuesday’s election, though the Republican ballot featured several alternatives to Mitt Romney.

Democrats were also more likely to not choose a candidate or write someone in during this primary than during the hotly-contested 2008 Democratic primary.

If there’s one bright spot for Obama, it’s that more Sacramento County Republican voters picked no one or wrote in a candidate during the 2004 Republican primary when George W. Bush was the only candidate on the ballot.

meaningless chatter... OBAMA takes the state with a super majority. At this point in the election cycle, it is a real TASK to see a ROMNEY bumper sticker or yard sign ANYWHERE in California.

In 2008, at this point, some people had mccain stickers on cars, but 2012 seems to be different.





golden ticket member
This end of SoCal will have plenty of Romney signs in yards.........I know the entire rest of the state is D. that's for Democrat, not dummy.

The entire point of the story was he was the ONLY person on the ballot and he still didn't get all the votes....Leaving a ballot blank is sending a message.....why else would that person even bother to go to the polls? 8000 of them?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This end of SoCal will have plenty of Romney signs in yards.........I know the entire rest of the state is D. that's for Democrat, not dummy.

Ive been through the OC many times over the last 30 days and there is NO SIGN of ANY Romney stickers anywhere on the freeways in GRIDLOCK.

Good luck with that.




golden ticket member
Ive been through the OC many times over the last 30 days and there is NO SIGN of ANY Romney stickers anywhere on the freeways in GRIDLOCK.

Good luck with that.


Yard signs become available closer to the elections.....they're free and can be found at the local, candidate's office. Last time McCain's local ofc. was in SJC and we went over and got 2 free signs for our yard.

I would NEVER pay for any sign from either candidate or a bumper sticker !!! I consider bumper stickers a car bumper defacment and something that rednecks and hillbillys do. The candidate should be appreciative that I would display a sign in my yard!!
Maybe they should be paying me!

It's extemely hard for anyone in the O.C. to place a sticker on a bumper of their Bentley or Ferrari.........that's just tacky!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This would be a great bumper sticker!






Strength through joy
Ive been through the OC many times over the last 30 days and there is NO SIGN of ANY Romney stickers anywhere on the freeways in GRIDLOCK.

Good luck with that.


I can get you some Elizabeth Warren bumper stickers, that Harvard educator who thinks Massachusetts' western border is part of a coastline.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Ive been through the OC many times over the last 30 days and there is NO SIGN of ANY Romney stickers anywhere on the freeways in GRIDLOCK.

Good luck with that.



The start of another day with a hot cup of Hawaiian Coffee and another chuckle. It is the delusional aspect of these posts that keep me entertained and amazed!!! There is a lot of doggy poo in these posts but they are hysterical as well! Thanks again!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The start of another day with a hot cup of Hawaiian Coffee and another chuckle. It is the delusional aspect of these posts that keep me entertained and amazed!!! There is a lot of doggy poo in these posts but they are hysterical as well! Thanks again!

Sorry SLICK, but ROMNEY is a dead man walking here in california. NOBODY is dumb enough to put his stickers on their cars. At least, most are.




Staff member
Sorry SLICK, but ROMNEY is a dead man walking here in california. NOBODY is dumb enough to put his stickers on their cars. At least, most are.


Ya, home of people who put in PELOSI and BOXER!
HAHAHA, the rest of the country laughs at you!!!!!!

(Seriously, the rest of the country CAN NOT understand why you people keep re-electing these nutcases. SERIOUSLY.)


golden ticket member
Sorry SLICK, but ROMNEY is a dead man walking here in california. NOBODY is dumb enough to put his stickers on their cars. At least, most are.


Most normal people who like to take care of the big purchases in their life, will not use stickers. Love the magnets and display them for the troops. Magnets are non damaging.


golden ticket member
Ya, home of people who put in PELOSI and BOXER!
HAHAHA, the rest of the country laughs at you!!!!!!

(Seriously, the rest of the country CAN NOT understand why you people keep re-electing these nutcases. SERIOUSLY.)
I don't get it either!! The Dems. outnumber the GOP. It's like NY and CA are automatically n the blue column. I hate the women....Pelosi, Boxer, the Sanchez bitches, Maxine Waters, Finestein, all of them worthless!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I don't get it either!! The Dems. outnumber the GOP. It's like NY and CA are automatically n the blue column. I hate the women....Pelosi, Boxer, the Sanchez bitches, Maxine Waters, Finestein, all of them worthless!!

Ah sour grapes, maybe you should consider moving to a state that fits your pyschological needs?

This isnt the place.




golden ticket member
I see it differently than you....the guy stepping off is going to vote and if enough people step off and vote, they can change the people in power.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
My wife & I spent 55 years in CA and watched the state deteriorate in front of our eyes. I feel bad for all our friends and relatives who still live there and have to put up with the ubers. My wife has warned me not to say anything bad about CA when we talk with our friends and family.

I used to burst with pride being from CA... now I am embarrassed to mention that I used to live there. It started about 35 years ago. We had a bad year of earthquakes, fires and landslides and I visited my Chicago family and when I met new people they would say, "I am so sorry you are from California....Are you OK?".

This was just an omen of things to come...

On a positive note.. I am glad to here that More you have not become jaded like me and still love your OC Paradise. Most of my family feels the same way you do.


golden ticket member
I was a transplant.....in '91. I'd never experienced 'no winter' and 'no snow'. I'm still amazed at roses in December....and so glad I haven't had to buy snow tires in over 20 years!!