

Well-Known Member
We are getting robo calls for the primaries already, some of them mention "this is the first step to voting out Obama". We stated early voting yesterday, I went to the county courthouse and voted for the primary and against our latest SPLOST scam.

Drop your landline and these phone calls magically disappear.


Strength through joy
(Politico) — Politicians recognize they give up a degree of privacy when they run for office.
But Democrats are testing the outer limits of that understanding with a practice that raises questions about when campaign tracking becomes something more like stalking.
While most serious campaigns on both sides use campaign trackers — staffers whose job is to record on video every public appearance and statement by an opponent — House Democrats are taking it to another level. They’re now recording video of the homes of GOP congressmen and candidates and posting the raw footage on the Internet for all to see.

Wisconsin GOP Rep. Reid Ribble, who said he’s also been followed by a cameraman when shopping for groceries, said the home videos cross a line.
“I feel it’s totally inappropriate,” said Ribble, a freshman facing a competitive race for reelection. “It was disturbing to me that they would put that online. I don’t understand any political benefit that can be achieved with that.”


golden ticket member
Rules don’t apply to Obama.

Via National Journal:
The disclosure that President Obama made a fundraising call from Air Force One while returning from a recent trip to Colorado focused attention again on the legal tightrope any president has to walk while running for reelection and still wielding the many White House perks at his disposal. His aides were quick to point out that a special phone had been installed on the presidential aircraft for such political uses. But the call came as Republicans were already howling at what they see as a blurring of the line.

Their complaints were at their loudest earlier this year when Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus filed a complaint with the Government Accountability Office alleging that the president is fraudulently billing the government for blatantly political travel. But if Priebus hoped to stall the Democratic campaign, there is no sign of Obama tempering his use of Air Force One since Priebus ran to the GAO on April 25. In the 79 days since that complaint, the president has flown to 17 states.
In only one of those states — Missouri, where the president gave a high school commencement address in Joplin on May 21 — was there no political flavor to the visit. In the others, fundraisers and openly partisan events dominated the schedule.

And the itinerary closely matches the 2012 political map. He has gone to New York four times and three times each to closely contested Ohio and contribution-rich California and Illinois. He also has gone twice each to the politically pivotal states of Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, and Nevada.


golden ticket member
This is how Obama does elections. When he was running for Senate and he had 2 others running againt him, he hired lots of lawyers to get dirt on the opponents and then began slinging the mud. That's all he knows.

Obama Campaign ‘Blowing Smoke” With Bain Capital Charges


golden ticket member
Here's the presidential debate schedule..............
October 3, 2012Air Time TBD
Location: University of Denver in Denver, Colorado
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

October 11, 2012
Vice PresidentialAir Time TBD
Location: Centre College in Danville, Kentucky
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: Vice President Biden and the GOP Vice Presidential nomine

October 16, 2012
Air Time TBD
Location: Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

October 22, 2012
Air Time TBD
Location: Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

JJ WALKER? Please.

FOX SPEWS continues to dig up has been actors and such in an effort to assist ROMNEY by broadcasting BLACKS who are against BARACK OBAMA. Could this be anymore obvious? When in any other time in fox spews programming, do they bring on black celebrities to speak on books they have written?

Only now, that WALKER, who has been washed up in hollywood for decades, has something negative to say about OBAMA, they bring him on the air to say so.

The effort, is to somehow convince the black community to turn on OBAMA. WALKER isnt going to make a dent in the presidents popularity.

This is nothing more than desperation broadcasting for FOX.

WALKER, who has been linked romantically to Ann Coulture, disqualifies himself from common sense. The black community HATES Ann Coulture, and primarily FOX SPEWS. The black community HATES FOX SPEWS.

Black People Hate Fox News | Manolith

WHITE is right, is the FOX programming daily. Putting on has been black celebrities only shows how stupid FOX SPEWS is.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Let me clue you in LIFER.

On FOX SPEWS on a regular basis, 87% of their guests are WHITE, and mostly white men. On a regular basis, they dont bring on black celebrity or former celebrity guests to promote books.

Only in an election year, will FOX SPEWS dig deep into the has been can to find someone in the minority community to say something negative about the president.

Pretty obvious to the informed viewer.

Gender and Ethnic Diversity in Prime-Time Cable News | Report | Media Matters for America | Media Matters for America




Staff member
WALKER, who has been linked romantically to Ann Coulture, disqualifies himself from common sense. The black community HATES Ann Coulture, and primarily FOX SPEWS. The black community HATES FOX SPEWS.

I thought this had to be a joke, but I can't keep up with these crazy celebrities and their love lives so I went to google. Whaddya know