JJ WALKER? Please.
FOX SPEWS continues to dig up has been actors and such in an effort to assist ROMNEY by broadcasting BLACKS who are against BARACK OBAMA. Could this be anymore obvious? When in any other time in fox spews programming, do they bring on black celebrities to speak on books they have written?
Only now, that WALKER, who has been washed up in hollywood for decades, has something negative to say about OBAMA, they bring him on the air to say so.
The effort, is to somehow convince the black community to turn on OBAMA. WALKER isnt going to make a dent in the presidents popularity.
This is nothing more than desperation broadcasting for FOX.
WALKER, who has been linked romantically to Ann Coulture, disqualifies himself from common sense. The black community HATES Ann Coulture, and primarily FOX SPEWS. The black community HATES FOX SPEWS.
Black People Hate Fox News | Manolith
WHITE is right, is the FOX programming daily. Putting on has been black celebrities only shows how stupid FOX SPEWS is.