golden ticket member
Does Bill Cosby's opinion count?
Bill has the best views on fatherhood.......Take care of your kids!!!
Does Bill Cosby's opinion count?
Yeah, well on the BET network it's 98% blacks.....and the black Miss America contest is 100% black, And the CBC is 100% blacks and have you looked at the NBA lately???????Let me clue you in LIFER.
On FOX SPEWS on a regular basis, 87% of their guests are WHITE, and mostly white men. On a regular basis, they dont bring on black celebrity or former celebrity guests to promote books.
Only in an election year, will FOX SPEWS dig deep into the has been can to find someone in the minority community to say something negative about the president.
Pretty obvious to the informed viewer.
Gender and Ethnic Diversity in Prime-Time Cable News | Report | Media Matters for America | Media Matters for America
Yeah, well on the BET network it's 98% blacks.....and the black Miss America contest is 100% black, And the CBC is 100% blacks and have you looked at the NBA lately???????
Get of the black/ doesn't work anymore!! Your race card is worn out and it's been thrown away like all jokers in the deck!!
Hey, tos can you name the #1 group that is known to vote in every election ?
I'll give you some hints ; not the under 20 crowd, not the middle age group , not the women's group of any age, not the Latinos nor the Blacks ?
Give up....white males over 50.
But during this elections the dems have discounted them and are focused on the smaller groups who may or may not even attempt to vote.
Sue the state that you want to win.....good plan!!! That's what happens when all you have is lawyers!
Obama Campaign Sues Over Ohio Early Voting Law
TOS---was this really necessary?
need more proof ?