

golden ticket member
You blame that on Obama ?
When did your banks fail ?
When did the housing bubble burst ?
When was the C$ worth $1.10 and not just 98 cents like today ?

Check the Bush years !
When ws gas at the pump $1.83/gallon?
When was unemployment 5% ?
When was the deficit at $10 Trillion?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When ws gas at the pump $1.83/gallon?
When was unemployment 5% ?
When was the deficit at $10 Trillion?

The deficit was 11 trillion on BUSHs last day, and projected into the end of 2009 to rise to 12 trillion.

Unemployment on BUSH's last day was 7.8%, up 3.8% from when he took office.

Gas was only 1.83 for a few months just before the election, and over 4 bucks most of BUSH's term.

Any questions?




golden ticket member
Obama Campaign Spends More Than It Raises In June, Outspends Romney Almost 4 To 1…
At least he’s consistent, running his campaign the same way he runs the government.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Amid a heavy barrage of advertising by opposing “super” political groups, President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign spent more than it collected in June. While outraised again by Republican Mitt Romney, Obama ended the month with a hefty $97.5 million in the bank.

June was the second consecutive month in which Romney brought in more money than Obama, finance reports filed Friday show. Romney’s money advantage prompted Obama’s campaign advisers to warn earlier this month that the president could lose the election if the financial disparity continued.

Obama tried to answer the super PACs supporting Romney by spending $38.2 million on television advertising. Romney spent less than a third of that — $10.4 million — on TV time.

Romney’s campaign nearly doubled its spending in June compared with the previous month, underscoring the close proximity of the November general election in which Republicans hope to unseat Obama and, in part, dismantle the president’s signature health care overhaul.



golden ticket member
Obama will get to rub elbows with the people he really prefers......

NYP) — Harvey Weinstein and Anna Wintour are teaming again to throw a fund-raiser for President Obama. The shindig will take place Aug. 6, in Greenwich, Conn., we hear. The movie mogul and the Vogue editor will co-host, sources said, while other co-chairs remain to be announced.

The pair previously hosted an Obama dinner last year at Weinstein and Georgina Chapman’s West Village townhouse. Tickets will go for $35,800 per head. Guests at Weinstein’s fund-raiser last year included Gwyneth Paltrow, Tory Burch, Alicia Keys and Quentin Tarantino.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama will get to rub elbows with the people he really prefers......

NYP) — Harvey Weinstein and Anna Wintour are teaming again to throw a fund-raiser for President Obama. The shindig will take place Aug. 6, in Greenwich, Conn., we hear. The movie mogul and the Vogue editor will co-host, sources said, while other co-chairs remain to be announced.

The pair previously hosted an Obama dinner last year at Weinstein and Georgina Chapman’s West Village townhouse. Tickets will go for $35,800 per head. Guests at Weinstein’s fund-raiser last year included Gwyneth Paltrow, Tory Burch, Alicia Keys and Quentin Tarantino.

Why does this bother you?

If the KOCH brothers, Sheldon Addelson and Rupert Murdoch invested millions into OBAMAS campaign, like they are ROMNEYS campaign, would you be cool with that??




golden ticket member
Why does this bother you?

If the KOCH brothers, Sheldon Addelson and Rupert Murdoch invested millions into OBAMAS campaign, like they are ROMNEYS campaign, would you be cool with that??


Obama is the one who wants to be a "rock star".
Maybe he should be that instead of president.


golden ticket member
People here aren't big enough for him to attend........

Not to be confused with the fundraiser being thrown by Anna Wintour and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

Via HuffPo:
The Obama Victory Fund is holding a fundraiser with the cast of HBO’s “The Wire” in Martha’s Vineyard on Aug. 15, according to an invitation obtained by the Sunlight Foundation. Tickets cost $500 or $2,500 for hosts.

President Barack Obama is not slated to attend, however, even though he has said that he is especially fond of the show and that Omar Little, who robs drug dealers, is his favorite character. He clarified his remarks in a 2008 interview with the Las Vegas Sun, ”That’s not an endorsement. He’s not my favorite person, but he’s a fascinating character.”
He repeated to Bill Simmons this past March that Omar was the best character.
It was not immediately clear whether the campaign would adopt Omar’s famous line, “If you come at the king, you best not miss,” as a reelection slogan.


golden ticket member
You read the headline correctly, D+11. That’s borderline criminal.

Via Big Government:
Serious question: Does NBC just think we are all idiots? Have they been under a rock for the last decade and not realize that they no longer can control the information we hear? Do they think they can breathlessly report that their latest poll has Barack Obama leading Romney by 9-points and not mention that they are using a D+11 sample? Its only July. What games will they play in October? Use polls that only sample French adults?
Today, NBC/WSJ released their latest poll on the presidential contest.

They “find” that Obama is leading Romney by 6-points, 49%-43%. They use this finding to opine a great deal about the current state of the presidential campaign. What they don’t report, however, is that their poll sample is way overweighted for Democrats. Their sample is D+11, 46% Democrat, 35% Republican–a level we haven’t seen in the electorate since the post-Watergate GOP meltdown.
Will the MSM stop at anything to prop this guy up?


golden ticket member
Gallup: Dem Voter Enthusiasm Down Massive 22 Points From 2008 Election Levels, Republicans Up 16 Points…

Amazingly, this makes NBC News’ D+11 poll seem even more absurd.
PRINCETON, NJ — Democrats are significantly less likely now (39%) than they were in the summers of 2004 and 2008 to say they are “more enthusiastic about voting than usual” in the coming presidential election. Republicans are more enthusiastic now than in 2008, and the same as in 2004.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
(A "closer election" means that one of the few iron rules of U.S. politics indicates he'll lose his bid for a second term. History offers not one example of a chief executive whose popular appeal declined during his first term of office but nonetheless managed to eke out a re-election victory, as Obama proposes to do.)

Obama's uphill re-election bid – USATODAY.com

President OBAMAs approval rating is right where it needs to be.

Ronald Reagan was at 48% approval in 1983 with an 8.5% unemployment rate. He had stronger GDP growth, but he also had a strong manufacturing sector that is no longer in the USA and is now overseas.

If OBAMA had the manufacturing sector still in the USA, we would be growing like all the other recessions, but due to the policies of the GOP, the majority of our manufacturing sector left the USA for profits in third world countries.

Cant blame OBAMA for that.

OBAMA is at 48% approval currently with an 8.2% unemployment rate and a growing economy, slower than previous recessions, but all things considered, doing well for what he has to work with.




golden ticket member
Mercy-donation?......sympathy donation?
Awwwww, this could be his last b-day as preezy !!!

My upcoming birthday next week could be the last one I celebrate as President of the United States, but that’s not up to me—it’s up to you.
This July deadline is our most urgent yet, coming after two consecutive months of being significantly outraised by Romney and the Republicans.

And if you pitch in whatever you can before midnight tonight, you and a guest will be automatically entered to join me at my birthday get-together next month.
Thanks. Hope I’ll see you soon.


golden ticket member
Do they have gear for one-legged , one-eyed, lesbian golfers??

President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign is selling merchandise aimed at various minority, religious and ethnic groups, but there appears to be at least one glaring omission from its website’s selection: Obama isn’t selling anything marketed to “Muslim Americans for Obama.”

The campaign does sell gear branded for “Jewish Americans for Obama,” “African Americans for Obama,” “Latinos/Hispanics for Obama,” “LGBT for Obama,” “Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders for Obama” and “Women for Obama,” among other groups.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) told The Daily Caller that the president’s campaign should be “inclusive.”

“CAIR believes any campaign for public office should seek to be inclusive of all Americans,” CAIR’s National Legislative Director Corey Saylor wrote in an email to TheDC.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Does the obama campaign have any gear for "White Americans for Obama"? Better yet... "One Percenters for Obama". How about ... "Evangelicals for Obama" or "Gun Loving Americans for Obama" !.... I'm sure the obama supporters out there can photoshop some t-shirts, caps and bumper stickers with a few of those phrases!


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
"Unsure of how many more royal vacations are in store for her, Michelle Obama jumped at the chance. While the tens of thousands of dollars needed for Romney’s trip were primarily funded by his own campaign, outgoing president Barack Obama, in awkward cooperation with the incoming president, smartly relied on the American People to pick up the enormous tab required for Michelle’s traveling entourage."

Presumptive President Romney vs. Outgoing President Obama - Mark Baisley - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary


golden ticket member
"The president said today that his positive campaigning in the fall would explain how he’ll get the economy “going full guns” in his second term."

His choice of tems is just exquisite !!!!