

golden ticket member
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. (AP) — Newport Beach may call the bill collectors on President Obama's re-election campaign.

Chicago-based Obama for America hasn't coughed up $35,000 for the cost of providing police protection during the president's February fundraiser in Corona del Mar, leaving Newport Beach stuck with the bill, the Orange County Register reported Monday.​


golden ticket member
[h=3]How Big Of Him: Obama Donates $5,000 To His Own Campaign...[/h]

Desperation sinks in.

Via Politico:

President Obama has given $5,000 to his own reelection campaign, an official confirms to POLITICO.

In an email to supporters this morning, Obama said that he had given to his own reelection campaign for the first time as a symbolic gesture.

"On its own, what I gave won't be enough to surmount the unprecedented fundraising we've seen on the other side, both from our opponent's campaign and from the outside groups and special interests supporting him," Obama wrote. "But we have always believed that there's nothing we can't do when we all pitch in. That includes me."



golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Even after the Tx senate seat victory of yesterday , which showed the guy who lost leading in the polls , why do you still believe in such foolery ?

I hear Mitt will be doing a bus tour in some of those states , too bad he can't match bhos' style of landing at an airport , unloading the bus, drive around for a couple of hours , make a few photo op. stops and then back to the airport to load the bus onto an airplane to travel to the next state. No, poor Mitt will actually have to stay with the bus the whole time.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Even after the Tx senate seat victory of yesterday , which showed the guy who lost leading in the polls , why do you still believe in such foolery ?

I hear Mitt will be doing a bus tour in some of those states , too bad he can't match bhos' style of landing at an airport , unloading the bus, drive around for a couple of hours , make a few photo op. stops and then back to the airport to load the bus onto an airplane to travel to the next state. No, poor Mitt will actually have to stay with the bus the whole time.

That was a republican runoff, not an election for office.. its no big deal, he still has to compete for the job.

What does this have to do with a national election?




Strength through joy
That was a republican runoff, not an election for office.. its no big deal, he still has to compete for the job.

What does this have to do with a national election?

I'll try to make this easy for you to understand....MSM says TeaParty is dead , election winner backed by the TeaParty and spends much less on his campaign , is always shown to be losing in the polls , his dem challenger is weak & unknown making for an easy win. Come Nov. expect to see more races with this same outcome.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
That was a republican runoff, not an election for office.. its no big deal, he still has to compete for the job.

What does this have to do with a national election?

I'll try to make this easy for you to understand....MSM says TeaParty is dead , election winner backed by the TeaParty and spends much less on his campaign , is always shown to be losing in the polls , his dem challenger is weak & unknown making for an easy win. Come Nov. expect to see more races with this same outcome.


Even RUSH LIMBAUGH wont endorse her for public office.

Case Closed.




Strength through joy

Even RUSH LIMBAUGH wont endorse her for public office.

Case Closed.



Last time I looked Palin wasn't running for ANY office , so why would she need endorsements ?

The TeaParty is not dead.
They have decided instead to go low key.
So tell me how many of those running for office who receive Palin's endorsement have lost an election ?
And compare that to all those that received bhos' endorsement .


golden ticket member
Does he really think Hollywood people represent the American people? They are the wing nuts!!!

Obama To Hollywood Backers: “You Are The Tiebreakers. You And The American People”…

I like how he distinguishes between his Hollywood elitist pals and the American people.
Via Washington Free Beacon:
President Obama spoke at a campaign fundraiser in Westport, Connecticut Monday. Guests included movie executive Harvey Weinstein, actress Anne Hathaway, and celebrated dialogist Aaron Sorkin. According to the president’s remarks at the event:

“So on a whole host of issues, you’ve got very stark differences. And the good news is that you guys are the tie-breaker. You and the American people. And when you walk into that ballot box — or don’t walk into the ballot box. That’s the second time I’ve said this today. (Laughter.) When you walk into the voting booth — it’s illegal, I’m sure, to walk into a ballot box. (Laughter.) When you cast your ballot, you will have the opportunity to determine the course of this country’s direction not just tomorrow, or next year, or five years from now, but probably for decades to come.”