
UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

More Chicago Style Politics.... I am making an assumption here that the Obama Campaign CAN"T WAIT to hear who the VP candidate is, so that they can again deflect conversation away from BO's failed record and point to anything that the VP candidate has said or has done and spin it like a top.


golden ticket member
The campaign ads of Obama are terrible......that guy crying about his wife dying and that it's Romney's fault. Romney left Bain 1999....this woman died 2006......................how do you figure????

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The campaign ads of Obama are terrible......that guy crying about his wife dying and that it's Romney's fault. Romney left Bain 1999....this woman died 2006......................how do you figure????

Thats the easiest question to answer.

Romney DIDNT leave BAIN in 1999, according to SEC records, Romney was still THE CEO, PRESIDENT and MANAGER OF OPERATIONS until 2002. They closed the factory in 2001 and put everyone on the street, thus ending the mans insurance. Afterwards, they couldnt afford new insurance and his wife became ill. They took her to a state hospital because they didnt have money, and his wife was already at a stage 4 condition.

His wife died shortly thereafter.

If Romney was the CEO, PRESIDENT and MANAGER of OPERATIONS on all the COMPANY RECORDS reported to the SEC, then he was IN CHARGE at the time of the closing of the factory.

I realize, you buy into the garbage that ROMNEY "retroactively" retired in 1999, but that load of crap isnt selling on todays market, and I realize you bought shares into it so it must mean something to you.

The ad simply states that ROMNEY, while in charge of BAIN ( OFFICIALLY ) shut down the factory and changed peoples lives. The guy doesnt say ROMNEY caused his wifes death, he's simply saying that the closure changed their lives and as a result, they lost their insurance and his wife was unable to get the care she needed earlier that may have saved her life.

You can say whatever you want about the ad, but its FACTUALLY accurate.




golden ticket member
Thats the easiest question to answer.

Romney DIDNT leave BAIN in 1999, according to SEC records, Romney was still THE CEO, PRESIDENT and MANAGER OF OPERATIONS until 2002. They closed the factory in 2001 and put everyone on the street, thus ending the mans insurance. Afterwards, they couldnt afford new insurance and his wife became ill. They took her to a state hospital because they didnt have money, and his wife was already at a stage 4 condition.

His wife died shortly thereafter.

If Romney was the CEO, PRESIDENT and MANAGER of OPERATIONS on all the COMPANY RECORDS reported to the SEC, then he was IN CHARGE at the time of the closing of the factory.

I realize, you buy into the garbage that ROMNEY "retroactively" retired in 1999, but that load of crap isnt selling on todays market, and I realize you bought shares into it so it must mean something to you.

The ad simply states that ROMNEY, while in charge of BAIN ( OFFICIALLY ) shut down the factory and changed peoples lives. The guy doesnt say ROMNEY caused his wifes death, he's simply saying that the closure changed their lives and as a result, they lost their insurance and his wife was unable to get the care she needed earlier that may have saved her life.

You can say whatever you want about the ad, but its FACTUALLY accurate.



You said....."His wife died shortly thereafter..." 2006 is NOT shortly! 1999 to 2006........This is a lie ad from Obama and mirrors his whole life in politics and before.


Strength through joy
Tos , you forgot about the part where the wife had her own job supplied insurance until she had some injury .
Plus the man in that ad has done other ads for bhos , where he is still wearing that same shirt.


golden ticket member
Tos , you forgot about the part where the wife had her own job supplied insurance until she had some injury .
Plus the man in that ad has done other ads for bhos , where he is still wearing that same shirt.

The first question I had when I heard that ad (the wife dying) I thought,OK when you lost your job, guy, you own a ton of responsibility in this case.....why didn't you go get health ins? If you couldn't afford it, there's Medicaid. What did you do, sit on your ass for 7 years with the 2 of you uncovered ??
It reminds me of the people whose house burns down and they whine & cry and when asked, Do you have insurance, they say well, no.

If you chance it and go uncovered, and you lose, don't come crying and looking to blame anyone but yourself.
Whatever happened to personal responsibility ?


golden ticket member
Via ABC News:
Lanny Davis, a former top adviser to President Bill Clinton, today issued a scathing rebuke to a controversial new Democratic super PAC ad that ties Mitt
Romney to a woman’s death from cancer.”

I’m pretty sad for our country that we have presidential candidates engaging in sophomoric — and that’s a compliment — sophomoric name calling,” Davis said in an interview on WMAL radio in Washington.

Davis says both Romney and Obama, and their supporters, have sponsored ads “that make us all want to take a shower.” But when it comes to the cancer ad, he said the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action has gone too far.

“Bill Burton needs to go back to ethics school,” Davis said of the group’s senior strategist, who is a former Obama White House spokesman. “He knows perfectly well that the ad is misleading and disgusting and he needs to apologize for it.”


golden ticket member
[h=2]Obama Campaign Fesses Up: We Do Know Man Featured In Cancer Ad…[/h]

The fact that Team Obama thought they could get away with saying they didn’t know him is a testament to their supreme arrogance.
Via Politico 44:
Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki acknowledged Thursday that the campaign was no longer pleading ignorance about the story of a man who has appeared in both a super PAC ad and a campaign ad.

“No one is denying he was in one of our campaign ads. He was on a conference call telling his story,” Psaki told reporters on Air Force One.

Missouri steelworker Joe Soptic starred in an Obama campaign ad and participated in a conference call with the campaign in May, as POLITICO reported Wednesday. He resurfaced this week in a Priorities USA Action super PAC ad, charging that his wife died of cancer after Mitt Romney’s former private equity firm laid him off.

Distancing themselves from the controversial ad, Obama campaign staffers initially denied knowledge of Soptic’s story — despite the fact that he was in an Obama campaign ad.



Für Meno :)
Well, new poll is out :

52% Obama
45% Romney

and a whopping 64% believe Romney favours the rich. - I suppose that means 36% are c9ners that think otherwise ! ;)


golden ticket member
Well, new poll is out :

52% Obama
45% Romney

and a whopping 64% believe Romney favours the rich. - I suppose that means 36% are c9ners that think otherwise ! ;)
Which poll?
How many people were polled?
Was it evenly among Dems. & Republicans?
Or did you just spout out the numbes you wanted?
Were results from every state?
Rasmussen has Romney +4 today............
