

Well-Known Member

10,000 dead found on Virginia's voter rolls

RICHMOND, VA (WWBT) - Around 10,000 deceased people were recently found on Virginia's voter rolls by the
State Board of Elections.

Local registrars are now working to cancel those voters from the list of registered voters, according
to the SBE. There's no indication of any voter fraud, but the SBE also said it can't rule the possibility out.

The deceased names were identified by the SBE by cross-referencing 15 million records in the National
Technical Information Services master death file with the current list of registered voters in Virginia.

10,000 dead found on Virginia's voter rolls - NBC12.com - Richmond, VA News, Weather, Traffic & Sports


golden ticket member
Refresh my memory, who told a largely black crowd earlier today that Mitt Romney wants to put them “back in chains?” I’m pretty sure that qualifies as unhinged.

Via Politico 44:
The Obama campaign fired back Tuesday against a tough Mitt Romney speech in Chillicothe, Ohio, saying that Romney seemed “unhinged.”
“Governor Romney’s comments tonight seemed unhinged, and particularly strange coming at a time when he’s pouring tens of millions of dollars into negative ads that are demonstrably false,” campaign press secretary Ben LaBolt said in a statement.

Romney said Tuesday that the president had resorted to “diversions and distractions,” that Obama was “taking things to a new low,” and that he was running a campaign of “hate.”

“His campaign and his surrogates have made wild and reckless accusations that disgrace the office of the presidency,” Romney said.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I'd post a list of the lies in Romney's ads, but it is too long for a single post, and it would make your eyes glaze over, anyway.

Maybe it's alright, after all, he could be 'lying for the lord', perfectly acceptable practice to get a Mormon into the White House.


Well-Known Member
its funny, how marriage is a religous cerimony where 2 people become 1 and share everything. all religous are against homosexuality. but, gays still want to get married.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 7147

More Chicago Style Politics.... I am making an assumption here that the Obama Campaign CAN"T WAIT to hear who the VP candidate is, so that they can again deflect conversation away from BO's failed record and point to anything that the VP candidate has said or has done and spin it like a top.

I like what Mr. Romney said in Ohio.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
'Take your campaign of division, anger, hate back to Chicago'


Strength through joy
bhos' campaign has already stated that they were not after the old white man votes { which is the majority of election voters } , so he has to cater to the smaller groups for votes.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

The caterer, FAILS to understand the meaning of OBAMAS statement... yes, he wore a shirt that said "I BUILT MY BUSINESS" , but the reality of the situation is... HE DIDNT.

He has a business partner, that partner put up the money to start that business, and that same partner DISAGREES with this guy (mccarty) in his political beliefs.

His partner, understands that it takes more than lip service to start a business, loans, grants, tax credits, permits and city planning.

The GOP has people thinking they do things all by themselves.. and thats just silly talk.




golden ticket member
Permits and city planning can actuallly have regulations that will halt people from having their own business. Tie their hands and stomp them down.

The tee shirt was the "in your face" that Obama needed. Maybe "O" didn't build anything himself.....but there's not many who get scholarships and avoid working for a living. He can't talk about real jobs....he never had one!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Permits and city planning can actuallly have regulations that will halt people from having their own business. Tie their hands and stomp them down.

The tee shirt was the "in your face" that Obama needed. Maybe "O" didn't build anything himself.....but there's not many who get scholarships and avoid working for a living. He can't talk about real jobs....he never had one!

In your face?? The guy is a hypocrite and his business partner SUPPORTS BARACK OBAMA. Its people like this maroon who wear tshirts at the urging of the GOP and fail to understand that they created something with the help of someone else but want to play bigshot and get on tv, well it worked, only problem is, his business partner is calling him a liar.

