
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Well-Known Member
Did you ever stop for that briefest of moments and just ask why we go through the same ritual every 4 years when deep down inside we truly know that the outcome we get is quite different from what we really want and yet we still do it anyway?


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Barack Obama asks eurozone to keep Greece in until after election day

US officials are worried that if Greece exits the eurozone, it will damage President's election hopes

Barack Obama asks eurozone to keep Greece in until after election day - Europe - World - The Independent

This is what it has been all about for almost 4 years now. On every issue (big or small), the first question barry asks himself or his advisors is; "How will this affect my chances of being re-elected?" This is why some major decisions seem to be on hold waiting for the "polling" before he decides what to do.

...Please don't ask why I don't have any respect for this person's ability to run OUR country. He cares ONLY about himself and his base. What a shame. He had such great opportunity to bring this country together and move us forward in all areas. Instead, we are more divided than ever before and moving backwards.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
This is what it has been all about for almost 4 years now. On every issue (big or small), the first question barry asks himself or his advisors is; "How will this affect my chances of being re-elected?" This is why some major decisions seem to be on hold waiting for the "polling" before he decides what to do.

...Please don't ask why I don't have any respect for this person's ability to run OUR country. He cares ONLY about himself and his base. What a shame. He had such great opportunity to bring this country together and move us forward in all areas. Instead, we are more divided than ever before and moving backwards.

You get all of this from an unsourced article that is based solely on speculation?

BTW, it's pretty hard to bring the country together when the opposition vowed to obstruct every initiative from day one.


golden ticket member
You get all of this from an unsourced article that is based solely on speculation?

BTW, it's pretty hard to bring the country together when the opposition vowed to obstruct every initiative from day one.
Clinton did it.......
For Obama, it's him, him and only him. That's why he chose Biden for veep.....people would dismiss Joe and pay complete attention to obama.


golden ticket member
What ?? You don't want the chosen one ?

From Richmond Times Dispatch:
The University of Virginia has declined a request from President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign to hold an event on Grounds next week, saying it would present an “extraordinary disruption” early in the school year.
The Obama campaign has scheduled a trip to Charlottesville for Wednesday. Campaign staffers approached U.Va. about holding the event at either the Amphitheatre or the Harrison-Small Library plaza, according to a statement from U.Va. spokeswoman Carol Wood.

“After reviewing the campaign’s request for either of these two sites and the impact on the university, the university declined the request,” Wood said in the emailed statement.

If the event were held at the Amphitheatre, 186 classes would have to be canceled, according to U.Va. If it were held at the Harrison-Small plaza, the libraries and Newcomb Hall dining service would have to be closed.
“This would result in an extraordinary disruption of the second day of the new semester,” the statement read.
The university also would have to bear the full cost of security and offer the same accommodations to other candidates, Wood said.


Strength through joy
You get all of this from an unsourced article that is based solely on speculation?

BTW, it's pretty hard to bring the country together when the opposition vowed to obstruct every initiative from day one.

2008-2010 his party controlled both houses of Congress , so your assumption that from Day 1 is false.
It was his own party that was against him.


Strength through joy
[h=1]“Republican” In Obama Ad Is A Democrat[/h]
Posted Aug 24, 2012 9:11pm EDT
One of the women in the Obama campaign's new video of Republicans supporting the president because of GOP positions on women's rights appears not to be a Republican at all.
Maria Ciano who is featured in the web video has been a registered Democrat since October 2006 according to voter registration records.
"People like me and my family have realized that the Republican Party once was inline with our views, but are no longer," the Colorado resident says in the video.
The video is one component of a larger Obama campaign push on women in light of the recent controversy surrounding Todd Akin.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You get all of this from an unsourced article that is based solely on speculation?

BTW, it's pretty hard to bring the country together when the opposition vowed to obstruct every initiative from day one.

It's called - Opinion through OBSERVATION - Contrary to popular belief that all folks that are not leftists are "zombie faux Spews" watchers.... I listen to what is said, I watch what actions take place, how the actions are told to the media or the public, and the time frame on which decisions are made and what position is taken (whether it is domestic or foreign policy).
I have noticed that White House reaction and opinion forms after public reaction takes place. Example, it took quite awhile for barry to remark about the comment made about the possible felony. One more - Remember the little incident in the gulf - how long until barry showed any sort of leadership on the issue. He was worried about what the environmentalists would say if sand burns were made to protect the coast. The governors of the states affected were outraged over the inaction of the federal government.

Thanks for the leadership barry!


Staff member
It's called - Opinion through OBSERVATION - Contrary to popular belief that all folks that are not leftists are "zombie faux Spews" watchers.... I listen to what is said, I watch what actions take place, how the actions are told to the media or the public, and the time frame on which decisions are made and what position is taken (whether it is domestic or foreign policy).
I have noticed that White House reaction and opinion forms after public reaction takes place. Example, it took quite awhile for barry to remark about the comment made about the possible felony. One more - Remember the little incident in the gulf - how long until barry showed any sort of leadership on the issue. He was worried about what the environmentalists would say if sand burns were made to protect the coast. The governors of the states affected were outraged over the inaction of the federal government.

Thanks for the leadership barry!
And when you hear the republican leaders speak, what do you hear? I hear people changing their position simply to opose the president. That's not leadership, that's not governance, that's politicking.


Well-Known Member
It's called - Opinion through OBSERVATION - Contrary to popular belief that all folks that are not leftists are "zombie faux Spews" watchers.... I listen to what is said, I watch what actions take place, how the actions are told to the media or the public, and the time frame on which decisions are made and what position is taken (whether it is domestic or foreign policy).
I have noticed that White House reaction and opinion forms after public reaction takes place. Example, it took quite awhile for barry to remark about the comment made about the possible felony. One more - Remember the little incident in the gulf - how long until barry showed any sort of leadership on the issue. He was worried about what the environmentalists would say if sand burns were made to protect the coast. The governors of the states affected were outraged over the inaction of the federal government.

Thanks for the leadership barry!


I was a person that bought into the "Hope and Change" It will not happen this time because Obama offers no hope nor change nor any type of different plan to end this mess.

No leadership skills at all --complains that Romney and the rich do not pay their fair share --yet when the Dems had full control did NOTHING to change the Tax Laws.

Oil spill --DID NOTHING --As the most powerful man on the planet I would have immediately called in all the Major Oil Company CEO's ----Mobil/exon--chevron, BP etc.etc.
I would have challenged them to get with the engineers and top minds in the oil business and present a detailed to plan to end the situation. I would make it clear that future drilling sites were at stake --their best interest to solve problem ---I would have immediately followed up with them daily and weekly.

Unlike Obama who has not met with his "jobs committee" since January ----I would have Weekly meetings with the press present and with members of both parties ----a solution would have already been found and put in place.

Obama has NO clue on how to organize resources, inspire, plan, execute and hold people accountable -----He is not part of the solution --He is the problem !!!

If we agree Bush was a "divider" ---What in the world is Obama ????:sick:

While millions suffer and are out of work -----Him and Fluke complain about paying for birth control ????

P.S. I went to see 2016 yesterday ----- it was packed with applauding people ---Barack has some serious problems !!! This is a blue state !!!


golden ticket member

I was a person that bought into the "Hope and Change" It will not happen this time because Obama offers no hope nor change nor any type of different plan to end this mess.

No leadership skills at all --complains that Romney and the rich do not pay their fair share --yet when the Dems had full control did NOTHING to change the Tax Laws.

Oil spill --DID NOTHING --As the most powerful man on the planet I would have immediately called in all the Major Oil Company CEO's ----Mobil/exon--chevron, BP etc.etc.
I would have challenged them to get with the engineers and top minds in the oil business and present a detailed to plan to end the situation. I would make it clear that future drilling sites were at stake --their best interest to solve problem ---I would have immediately followed up with them daily and weekly.

Unlike Obama who has not met with his "jobs committee" since January ----I would have Weekly meetings with the press present and with members of both parties ----a solution would have already been found and put in place.

Obama has NO clue on how to organize resources, inspire, plan, execute and hold people accountable -----He is not part of the solution --He is the problem !!!

If we agree Bush was a "divider" ---What in the world is Obama ????:sick:

While millions suffer and are out of work -----Him and Fluke complain about paying for birth control ????

P.S. I went to see 2016 yesterday ----- it was packed with applauding people ---Barack has some serious problems !!! This is a blue state !!!

I think there are plenty of surprises come Nov. The REAL folks will come out to vote and they are quiet now. There's also a movie...Hope & Change, I believe.....also with disenchanted Obama supporters in '08. They are looking for the results of Obama's 4 years and they see diddly!!