ERI Survey

Hi all,
I assure you, the results of the ERI are not skewed. The individuals who access the data have no reason to "make UPS look good". They simply report what the data show.

Answer the survey honestly and leave good comments. Only use the middle option (unsure; neither agree nor disagree) if you truly don't have an answer.

As for the person who posted "The problem is NO ONE can convey the problems we all see each day through the ERI. Nobody upstairs seems to realize what we are facing each day, but then again not many of them ever were behind the wheel of a package car," I have a suggestion...why not start a thread with what y'all think would be good questions to ask on a survey like the ERI?


Well-Known Member
Each year, all management have what is called the "QPR" Quality report card.
On this report card is a list of criteria that impact each operation.
The ERI is mandatory on each supervisors, managers, division managers, operation managers, and district/region managers QPR. If the employees that have a negative view of how things are working, don't take it, the bottom line is that those positive ERI scores show how wonderful the center team, up to the district manager are. Get a clue and take the survey.....even if you don't feel it will change anything. If the ERI scores go through the floor, the buttwipes that take credit for high scores yet treat people poorly will be identified.
This will let corporate know there is a problem with empolyee relations.


Do you guys have to complain and rip on everything UPS does?? Does anyone take pride in who they work for anymore?? If your not happy with your UPS life.....then QUIT!!!!!!!!! If your not happy with your job then try to get another one making 80k a year with no college degree. Your life is what you make of it, your job is what you make of it. 80% of UPS's problems are caused by 20% of its people. The miserable people who blame everyone else for there own shortcomings. And i think the 20% of people are all on this site


Staff member
80% of UPS's problems are caused by 20% of its people.

Can you back that claim up? I'm curious as to how you define "UPS's problems". Once you define that for us, perhaps you can tell us all specifically which problems comprise the "80%" that are caused by "20%" of the company's own workers.

I'm not sure what it is that you do for UPS, but most of us are contracted employees, working as directed in return for an hourly wage. I just don't see where we have the time, the inclination, or the decision making power to screw things up for the company as badly as you seem to think we are. I would suspect you have to be at least a regional manager before you can start taking credit for causing 80% of the company's problems....


Well-Known Member
Do you guys have to complain and rip on everything UPS does?? Does anyone take pride in who they work for anymore?? If your not happy with your UPS life.....then QUIT!!!!!!!!! If your not happy with your job then try to get another one making 80k a year with no college degree. Your life is what you make of it, your job is what you make of it. 80% of UPS's problems are caused by 20% of its people. The miserable people who blame everyone else for there own shortcomings. And i think the 20% of people are all on this site
Spoken like a true UPS manager, some you can't even approach without being threatened or him being synical about a problem.


Well-Known Member
It's simple.
Every management person from supervisors to the Region and District managers have an element on their QPR's(Quality Performance Review).
The better the ERI number, the more atta boys are handed out. On the other side of the coin, if the numbers tank....$#%^#@$%#@ will fly.
Put aside your negative feelings and take it.


Well-Known Member
well, theres a sheet posted with days and early start times for our ERI..I cant wait to take mine..'Cause I have alot to say in my comments...Hopefully, this will fix the problem instead of other management agreeing and that is it!!


Well-Known Member
Always take the survey, and always give the lowest score possible, irrespective of whether you are happy or not. If the center gets a good score, it's a guarantee that nothing will change, except possibly for the worse.

If you can get all the drivers in your group to stick together and give the center the lowest score possible, who knows, maybe they will do something, even if it's just bringing in donuts and coffee every friday to try and cheer everybody up :wink:.

If they don't fix things when they get a bad score, you can be damn sure they won't fix anything if they get a good score, so basically you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by hammering them as hard as you can.

You get one shot, so make it count. Grab your bat and nail that pinata as hard as you can....

You really need to get a grip. We all have some issues, but to bust it across the board is just wrong. No wonder we have so many problems. Trust me, I get pissed plenty, but I do see some in management as human. Too bad they won't let us rate those folks above them. That is where the problems are coming from. As far as things changing, wishful thinking. We are the front line and will never be given the due we deserve in this new UPS. Many years ago we were actually given the time to take care of the customers that actually pay our salary. If you want to complain, look at the folks chewing the butts of the managers that we work for. It's not good...


Staff member
You really need to get a grip. We all have some issues, but to bust it across the board is just wrong. No wonder we have so many problems. Trust me, I get pissed plenty, but I do see some in management as human. Too bad they won't let us rate those folks above them. That is where the problems are coming from. As far as things changing, wishful thinking. We are the front line and will never be given the due we deserve in this new UPS. Many years ago we were actually given the time to take care of the customers that actually pay our salary. If you want to complain, look at the folks chewing the butts of the managers that we work for. It's not good...

One more time for the learning impaired:

Hey, look up there! There's something going over your head....:rolleyes:

(Just kidding about the learning impaired part, I know you meant well. Satire doesn't always come across too well in print.)


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I took my ERI this afternoon, and I sat in the Center's office with my sup on the other side of the room as I did it. He said that the responses would reflect on the Center Team as a whole, not the oncar sup or Center Manager individually. I happen to like my immediate bosses, in fact I have only had two over the last thirty years that went out of the way to tick people off. I answered it honestly, and there were more "strongly disagree" than "strongly agree" answers. I also typed in my thoughts at the end part, and complained about the poor implementation of PAS/EDD and my thoughts about C/S and benefits. I had to go to the "other" topic option to put both in. Everyone should take it, its a chance to let your thoughts be known, if nothing comes out of it, at least I was on overtime when I took it!:thumbup1:
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Well-Known Member
I took my ERI this afternoon, and I sat in the Center's office with my sup on the other side of the room as I did it. He said that the responses would reflect on the Center Team as a whole, not the oncar sup or Center Manager individually. I happen to like my immediate bosses, in fact I have only had two over the last thirty years that went out of the way to tick people off. I answered it honestly, and there were more "strongly disagree" than "strongly agree" answers. I also typed in my thoughts at the end part, and complained about the poor implementation of PAS/EDD and my thoughts about C/S and benefits. I had to go to the "other" topic option to put both in. Everyone should take it, its a chance to let your thoughts be known, if nothing comes out of it, at least I was on overtime when I took it!:thumbup1:

Alright, I've got a question. Scratch king has just said he was told the responses would reflect on the Center team as a whole. We had an individual come in on Monday and told us that the responses we give on our ERI would reflect only on our immediate supervisior. Given this complete contridiction, wouldn't it be difficult to come to any kind of conclusion on any of the raw data on a national level? Throw in the ambiguity of the questions and lack of trust of the survey as a whole, and I think you have some statistical problems.

Someone mentioned in this thread about bringing in a outside firm to conduct this survey, great idea. I also like browncorpgal's idea to let us design the questions.


Need LS7 powered PKG car
It reflects on the center as a whole. What does your sup have to do with the shop or anything else in the senter the ERI asks abaout..


Well-Known Member
I guess the hub i work in is the exception. Things aren't perfect, but for the most part, everybody is happy with things. The drivers, mechanics, sups and dock workers for the most part all get along. the ERI has reflected thatin the past, though there is criticism, but it seems to be constructive criticism. there is no "" us vs. them "" attitude.

I'm not trying to paint a rosy picture, because there are times things get hectic and there are things we wish was improved or changed. Seems we all just get through it and do our thing without the bickering. I guess if I had to put a finger on it, I would have to say we got the personel from top to bottom that make it a pleasant working atmosphere for all, with the lines of communications for the most part always open.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I have diligently tried to take the eri for 3 nights now, and no one has the code or the password etc. Could it be they only want certain people to take it? He told me to come in early............ya, thatll happen.

And how long does it take to take it? this yr. He said I had 10 minutes?
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Least Best Moderator
Staff member
It had 87 questions, it doesn't take long at all unless you want to carefully think through your responses at $40.78 an hour! It pays to be accurate you know.:cool:


Well-Known Member
well, theres a sheet posted with days and early start times for our ERI..I cant wait to take mine..'Cause I have alot to say in my comments...Hopefully, this will fix the problem instead of other management agreeing and that is it!!
I hope you don't have too much to say, you are only allowed 300 characters for your essay.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
87 ?s and I have to be accurate, lets see If I can only do 15 stops per hr, that would be maybe 30 ?ph, accuracy is everything, and then the essay......................., maybe Ill be late coz some answers take more thought and time than others..............maybe they will let me use the essays of the other 15 drivers who dont take it because they cant get into the system when they are willing. Yeah, 300 words will never work for me.


It's worse than that: "Yeah, 300 words will never work for me."

It's only 300 characters, and that includes spaces. This little response from me is closing in on 200 characters, tells you how much you get to really let them know how you feel.
Someone should have the passwords you need to log into the ERI. They're only giving you 10 minutes? That's wrong. You're supposed to have as much time as you need. And, you should be compensated for the time you spend taking the ERI. If this isn't the case, your supervisor is wrong.


Take the survey. Don't be a chicken**** by not voicing your opinion. If you have the time to speak your mind here, then you should at least take the time when you get in the building to take it. Management should not limit your time to take the ERI. If they do state "You have X minutes to take the ERI" (or a short unreasonable alloted time), ask them if this is the norm. Then when the district or division manager visits, ask them to please change the allotted time to a reasonable time so you can give an ACCURATE ERI. Also letting them know that the XX minutes you had was not enough. It's the only way it will change.

In regards to the management team taking ERI's for you if you decided not take it to obtain 100% Participation. There is a number for that - it's called HR or the HOTLINE. With the times we are going through, UPS is weeding out the weeds. There is no need for employees with integrity issues, the business is too competitive. I think that you would agree that we all make good money and anyone with an integrity issue should be given the chance to leave.

If people would just communicate more, ON BOTH ENDS or SIDES, we as a whole would be a lot better off. Not just one side is going to give and neither side has figured this out yet. COMMUNICATE and DO THE RIGHT THING.

Anyway - sorry to get off the point...TAKE THE ERI! DO NOT think it's a waste of time.