Everyone get the jab.

Will you get the shot now that's required?

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Two years almost of medical tyranny, martial law and unprecedented restrictions on our freedom orchestrated by the Chinese and the deep state that may never go away and they want you to worry about Russia. Yeah I’m not taking that bait. The enemy is right here in the swamp people


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Putin Receives Nobel Prize In Medicine For Ending COVID Pandemic

SWITZERLAND—After serious deliberations deep inside the super-secret Nobel Prize Compound in Switzerland or wherever, the Nobel committee of medicine deciders have awarded the coveted Nobel Prize in Medicine to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin for singlehandedly ending the COVID pandemic practically overnight.

News of the swift and nearly-miraculous end to a years-long pandemic came at a serendipitous moment for members of a certain American political party.

“While Putin should receive credit for ending this pandemic, President Biden also deserves praise for ending the pandemic and fulfilling yet another campaign promise like all of the other campaign promises he totally keeps fulfilling,” said Jen Psaki to a journalist and future coworker at MSNBC, “Yes, Putin’s magical ability to end this pandemic bodes well for any democrat running for reelection this November, but that’s just a happy, happy coincidence.”



Pineapple King
That has got to be the most stupid thing I've read in a long time. The world is clearly going to :censored2:. Time for a meteor to hit this planet and wipe us all out so those that survive can start over.