Everyone get the jab.

Will you get the shot now that's required?

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Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Remember when they told everyone it was a "vaccine" and you wouldn't even get covid? That was funny. Now they are going to just keep making new products indefinitely.

If they start making it in a snortable powder youll soon have a bunch addicts looking like Hunter Biden everywhere.

Still unvaxxed and pure.



I'm a star
Remember when they told everyone it was a "vaccine" and you wouldn't even get covid? That was funny. Now they are going to just keep making new products indefinitely.

If they start making it in a snortable powder youll soon have a bunch addicts looking like Hunter Biden everywhere.

Still unvaxxed and pure.

View attachment 393038

Sounds like they are making aerosolized bioweapons to me. It's quite fascinating how they can make even the most horrific things sound reasonable. People in marketing and PR are quite depraved.