Express going "independent" ...and to current events


Well-Known Member
If hope is what Drumpf was selling, I got some beach front property in Florida to sell you.
It's really easy to Monday Morning quarterback, but people were, and are, hurting. Trump told them what they wanted to hear, Clinton didn't. The rest is history.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell that he was selling snake oil.
Doesn't change the fact that loyal Democrat dominated counties that went Democrat for decades voted for Trump and that was the difference. Clinton took them for granted, and they got no relief from Obama. At some point people will take a chance because the status quo wasn't working.


Well-Known Member
Deny all you want, it was Dems in the Rust Belt who gave him the presidency. Should tell you how much was being done for them by Democrats.
We're hearing a lot of that out of you Reps today. Now that you can plainly see what you have in Trump clearly someone who doesn't belong in the WH and a woefully unqualified VP in line to take over you want to hang the blame for the ongoing Trump disaster on the Dems. Take comfort however in the fact that when Mueller completes his thorough and complete investigation he will report those findings to Congress probably behind closed at first even the most timid members of your party's House and Senate majority will have no other choice but to act.


Well-Known Member
We're hearing a lot of that out of you Reps today. Now that you can plainly see what you have in Trump clearly someone who doesn't belong in the WH and a woefully unqualified VP in line to take over you want to hang the blame for the ongoing Trump disaster on the Dems. Take comfort however in the fact that when Mueller completes his thorough and complete investigation he will report those findings to Congress probably behind closed at first even the most timid members of your party's House and Senate majority will have no other choice but to act.
Keep dreaming. Pence unqualified? He was a governor and it's an administrative job. More qualified than Hillary. Or the community organizer who could talk pretty.


Well-Known Member
Keep dreaming. Pence unqualified? He was a governor and it's an administrative job. More qualified than Hillary. Or the community organizer who could talk pretty.
Trump for all intents and purposes saved the political career of Mike Pence a one term governor whose approval ratings were so low that he was not expected to win reelection in 2016. However he tried to boost his approval rating by means of his strong support for federal stimulus funded programs in his state ...... The very federal stimulus program he voted against while in the U.S. House.


Well-Known Member
Hey fellas. Could anyone tell me what I should expect the starting pay to be for a FT Courier in Arkansas? I have an interview Monday and I just want to be a little prepared I guess. The job title itself is actually ''FULL TIME COURIER/DOT''

I lurked on the forums last night and actually found the new 2018 ops pay scale (terminology?) but I have no idea how to decipher the 3 different colors and what the pay codes mean, ie: 71, 8k and 9m. And more importantly, what states comprise each market.

Thank you for your time.
17.10 per hour to start- No CdL needed but need to past a DOT physical

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
He is if your basic instincts respond to theatrics. Give me a more intellectual discussion, more facts, less conjecture, less histrionics.

Agreed. When it takes 12 minutes to explain something that should be explained in one paragraph that could be read in 30 seconds, it's garbage. FedEx and UPS want tax cuts for the same reason that any other filer wants them: to save money.