Express handing resi deliveries to Ground

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
That seems strange to me. Because UPS does similar density and it’s not an entry level job with high turnover. And solid wages. What makes ground more entry level than UPS?
Inertia. If they were starting UPS from scratch right now it wouldn’t be a union company. There’s a reason the last contract was bad for the workers at UPS. The union has to take whatever deal is presented to them. UPS would love a strike so they could replace the union workers with cheap entry level drivers. It’s not terribly skilled labor. It wouldn’t surprise me if that happens over the next 20 years.


Well-Known Member
I heard they reduced contracts to a year for ground. If your not doing what Freddy wants you will b cut. I don’t think franchising a customer service based company is a good idea in the long run. Time will tell..

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I heard they reduced contracts to a year for ground. If your not doing what Freddy wants you will b cut. I don’t think franchising a customer service based company is a good idea in the long run. Time will tell..
It’s been successful for 35 years. What do you consider the long run?


Well-Known Member
If I recall in 2009 the "language" was written into the FAA re-authorization bill. One party was obsessed with passing Obama Care... on CHRISTmas Eve if memory serves. (we have to pass it to know what's in it). My premiums and deductibles went up and coverage went down. The language was there and so were the votes... The democrats sat on their ass. Now next year, 2021, the old crew at Express must decide about the portable pension. I liked the traditional pension which was in place when I signed the line. Guess what.... The FedEx Pilots Association got smart. Time will tell... it always does. I love my job most days. Always have a plan B and C. I've been blessed and taking advantage of LWOP days as a trial run to retirement.

Obamacare STOPPED deductibles and copays for annual checkups, cancer screenings, diagnostic lab tests, immunizations, prenatal care and more. You should know that by now. And if you ever had a serious health problem, your annnual deductible was a firm limit, unlike your old insurance that had 'co-insurance- that was basically unlimited. Clearly, you still have no understanding of what :obamacare' did because you listened too much to just one side who was getting huge campaign donations from lobbyists. Obamacare set up reasonable minimum standards for what insurers needed to provide for the money they got. And uou probably still think that to use your insurance under Obamacare, you need to meet your deductible first before getting any coverage, like your old plan. Under Obamacare. MOST medical is covered with deductibles only a portion of the entire bill and only for services that aren't fully covered.

And the removal of lifetime AND annual caps is a literal lifesaver, and someday your life may be saved by it. So you have MUCH better insurance now, without even knowing it. Maybe you just don't like having better coverage, maybe you didn't like having a black president. Who knows?

And if you are middle income, you can get as much as 90% of the premium covered, and have copays as low as $5, with zero deductible, even if your plan says it has $6000 deductible, that part of the plan is called 'extra help; that most people have no clue about.

And only ignorant people whine about the 'we need to pass it before we know what's in it" comment because minor changes were being made to get votes right up to the vote. Until they made all the changes necessary to pass it, NO ONE could tell exactly what the final version would be, but 90% of the bill at least was available to see on line and read for yourself. And a lot of whiners cried about it being 2000 pages, but about half of those pages were 1-2 sentences changing terms of other relevant laws to make it cohesive. In actual printed form with standard pring in standard page format, it was ~600 pages. And most of those pages were the changes to make the law comply with other laws already in existence.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Obamacare STOPPED deductibles and copays for annual checkups, cancer screenings, diagnostic lab tests, immunizations, prenatal care and more. You should know that by now. And if you ever had a serious health problem, your annnual deductible was a firm limit, unlike your old insurance that had 'co-insurance- that was basically unlimited. Clearly, you still have no understanding of what :obamacare' did because you listened too much to just one side who was getting huge campaign donations from lobbyists. Obamacare set up reasonable minimum standards for what insurers needed to provide for the money they got. And uou probably still think that to use your insurance under Obamacare, you need to meet your deductible first before getting any coverage, like your old plan. Under Obamacare. MOST medical is covered with deductibles only a portion of the entire bill and only for services that aren't fully covered.

And the removal of lifetime AND annual caps is a literal lifesaver, and someday your life may be saved by it. So you have MUCH better insurance now, without even knowing it. Maybe you just don't like having better coverage, maybe you didn't like having a black president. Who knows?

And if you are middle income, you can get as much as 90% of the premium covered, and have copays as low as $5, with zero deductible, even if your plan says it has $6000 deductible, that part of the plan is called 'extra help; that most people have no clue about.

And only ignorant people whine about the 'we need to pass it before we know what's in it" comment because minor changes were being made to get votes right up to the vote. Until they made all the changes necessary to pass it, NO ONE could tell exactly what the final version would be, but 90% of the bill at least was available to see on line and read for yourself. And a lot of whiners cried about it being 2000 pages, but about half of those pages were 1-2 sentences changing terms of other relevant laws to make it cohesive. In actual printed form with standard pring in standard page format, it was ~600 pages. And most of those pages were the changes to make the law comply with other laws already in existence.

Ignoring all the blather you just typed, I know that before Obamacare I paid $25 a week for the best plan at FedEx with no deductible and a $25 co-pay. FedEx quickly changed that trying to convince us we had “Cadillac insurance” (we didn’t and SURE don’t now) to eventually over $50 a week with a large deductible and I pay 20% of medical. Yes, yearly checkups are free (BFD) but everything else sure is expensive. I know because I’m getting frigging bills left and right for two procedures I had recently.

Plus, you have to be extra careful because if you get say, a colonoscopy at a hospital you have to pay a lot more. Also, if you’re admitted to a hospital, you’re paying bills to everyone from doctors to labs to ER, etc.


Well-Known Member
Ignoring all the blather you just typed, I know that before Obamacare I paid $25 a week for the best plan at FedEx with no deductible and a $25 co-pay. FedEx quickly changed that trying to convince us we had “Cadillac insurance” (we didn’t and SURE don’t now) to eventually over $50 a week with a large deductible and I pay 20% of medical. Yes, yearly checkups are free (BFD) but everything else sure is expensive. I know because I’m getting frigging bills left and right for two procedures I had recently.

Plus, you have to be extra careful because if you get say, a colonoscopy at a hospital you have to pay a lot more. Also, if you’re admitted to a hospital, you’re paying bills to everyone from doctors to labs to ER, etc.
Come on now you know that's fake news. We've had increase in premiums and deductibles before Obamacare.


Well-Known Member
Nope. I distinctly remember them telling us that if they didn’t enact the changes, because we had “cadillac insurance” there would be fines to pay.
Obamacare was the excuse for making change to consumer plans but our premiums and deductibles we're rising before that. That's really besides the case anyway because there's nothing in Obamacare that prevents FedEx from providing decent health plans. UPS has Superior health plan and no Cadillac tax.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Obamacare was the excuse for making change to consumer plans but our premiums and deductibles we're rising before that. That's really besides the case anyway because there's nothing in Obamacare that prevents FedEx from providing decent health plans. UPS has Superior health plan and no Cadillac tax.
You are correct. FedEx used it as an excuse. Blame Obama. That way FedEX didn’t look like the “bad guys”.


Well-Known Member
I think managers and SMs are being told as little as possible so they don’t slip negative information to the couriers. Upper management wants to keep couriers around until everything is in place and then...BOOM! All the Pollyannas bleeding purple still think FedEX is a People company that will look out for its people. I actually feel sorry for them when the other foot drops.

At least you and I suffer from no delusions and can see what’s coming. I’ve never wished so hard to be wrong as I do now.

i know a station in nyc that will be affected because all the 20-30 yr vets, 55+ people do the residential stops to avoid the bulkier business stops in the P2 cycle. Kinda sad and pathetic to see these 20yr+ vets being sent home because they got OT the previous day. they already had to reshuffle routes, to divert work, so all these couriers are pitted against each other for a 35 hr work week. Other carriers are trying to slow down. thats the current trend, in a big city station . I will imagine its only gonna get worse once those couriers lose residential and they have to take work for other routes...lowering everyone's hours.

All they had to do is vote for a union, when they had the chance. All these issues would been under contract terms, instead of a free-for-all try to see what sticks approach. You mean to tell me these bleed purple people didnt see this coming. These old men dedicated there lives, stood there by the clock waiting punch in like zombies, joking, laughing and they didnt see this coming with the history of company. Sad to see the near 70 year old men, that failed to properly plan for retirement, that dedicated their entire adult lives to FedEx have to fight for hours. Fedex has demonstrated that they are willing to change the rules, change the paradigm as they see fit.

Once they even modify or cancel min hrs rules in any manner... thats "the sign".... get out or game over.
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Well-Known Member
i know a station in nyc that being affected because all the 20-30 yr vets, 55+ people do the residential stops to avoid the bulkier business stops in the P2 cycle. Kinda sad and pathetic to see these 20yr+ vets being sent home because they got OT the previous day. they already had to reshuffle routes, to divert work, so all these couriers are pitted against each other for 35 hr work week. Other carriers are trying to slow down. thats the current trend, in a big city station . I will imagine its only gonna get worse once those couriers lose residential and have to take work for other routes...lowering everyone's hours.

All they had to do is vote for a union, when they had the chance. All these issues would been under contract terms, instead of a free-for-all try to see what sticks approach. You mean to tell me these bleed purple people didnt see this coming. These old men dedicated there lives, stood there by the clock waiting punch in like zombies, joking, laughing and they didnt see this coming with the history of company. Sad to see the near 70 year old men, that failed to properly plan for retirement, that dedicated their entire adult lives to FedEx have to fight for hours.Fedex has demonstrated that they are willing to change the rules, change the paradigm as they see fit.

Once they even modify or cancel min hrs rules in any manner... thats "the sign".... get out or game over.
Doesn't it first in the case of Express employees a nationwide vote? Try getting that in "right to work" southern states.Now with no labor contract to answer to Fat Freddy can whatever he wants. whenever he wants to whomever he wants. In fact the guy currently in the WH is starting to look like another Fat Freddy.