Express handing resi deliveries to Ground

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Come on now you know that's fake news. We've had increase in premiums and deductibles before Obamacare.

And after Obamacare they continued and we got reductions in coverage.

Now that we all agree that our insurance got worse after the passage of Obamacare, why are some trying to tell us how great it was for us?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
i know a station in nyc that will be affected because all the 20-30 yr vets, 55+ people do the residential stops to avoid the bulkier business stops in the P2 cycle. Kinda sad and pathetic to see these 20yr+ vets being sent home because they got OT the previous day. they already had to reshuffle routes, to divert work, so all these couriers are pitted against each other for a 35 hr work week. Other carriers are trying to slow down. thats the current trend, in a big city station . I will imagine its only gonna get worse once those couriers lose residential and they have to take work for other routes...lowering everyone's hours.

Plenty of people took cake routes and milked it for all they could. The gravy train doesn't run forever.

Sad to see the near 70 year old men, that failed to properly plan for retirement, that dedicated their entire adult lives to FedEx have to fight for hours. Fedex has demonstrated that they are willing to change the rules, change the paradigm as they see fit.

"[friend]ailed to properly plan for retirement" when you're almost 70 is the issue, not a change in hours.


Well-Known Member
Fat Freddy can always do what the vast majority of ground contractors do.............offer no benefits at all. And that appears to be what he has in mind given the way ti's currently headed.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
One of the cover drivers at my station was trying to convince me they wouldn’t be affected. Lol. Yeah. Right. I’m betting they’ll be affected first. After all, when regular full timers are needing hours they won’t be so fast to take LWOP. He’s a cocky ass anyway who has his nose so far up managements ass they might just try to take care of him. LOTS of high seniority people at my station who would fight that though....the ones who don’t retire, that is.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
One of the cover drivers at my station was trying to convince me they wouldn’t be affected. Lol. Yeah. Right. I’m betting they’ll be affected first. After all, when regular full timers are needing hours they won’t be so fast to take LWOP. He’s a cocky ass anyway who has his nose so far up managements ass they might just try to take care of him. LOTS of high seniority people at my station who would fight that though....the ones who don’t retire, that is.

How many old farts on gravy routes are getting nervous?


Well-Known Member
i know a station in nyc that will be affected because all the 20-30 yr vets, 55+ people do the residential stops to avoid the bulkier business stops in the P2 cycle. Kinda sad and pathetic to see these 20yr+ vets being sent home because they got OT the previous day. they already had to reshuffle routes, to divert work, so all these couriers are pitted against each other for a 35 hr work week. Other carriers are trying to slow down. thats the current trend, in a big city station . I will imagine its only gonna get worse once those couriers lose residential and they have to take work for other routes...lowering everyone's hours.

All they had to do is vote for a union, when they had the chance. All these issues would been under contract terms, instead of a free-for-all try to see what sticks approach. You mean to tell me these bleed purple people didnt see this coming. These old men dedicated there lives, stood there by the clock waiting punch in like zombies, joking, laughing and they didnt see this coming with the history of company. Sad to see the near 70 year old men, that failed to properly plan for retirement, that dedicated their entire adult lives to FedEx have to fight for hours. Fedex has demonstrated that they are willing to change the rules, change the paradigm as they see fit.

Once they even modify or cancel min hrs rules in any manner... thats "the sign".... get out or game over.
Unionization wouldn't have stopped this, merely delayed it a contract or two.

With a split workforce between employee and contractor, this was always going to be the outcome.

It's funny because when I started, years ago, I called this and was laughed at. "Express is Fred's baby. He would never allow ground to take Express freight.". Now all the guys who laughed are watching what is happening down there, hoping it takes longer than I think it will to get here, so they're a bit closer to retirement.


Well-Known Member
Unionization wouldn't have stopped this, merely delayed it a contract or two.

With a split workforce between employee and contractor, this was always going to be the outcome.

It's funny because when I started, years ago, I called this and was laughed at. "Express is Fred's baby. He would never allow ground to take Express freight.". Now all the guys who laughed are watching what is happening down there, hoping it takes longer than I think it will to get here, so they're a bit closer to retirement.
If we were Union we would most likely be combined like UPS.


Well-Known Member
If we were Union we would most likely be combined like UPS.
Fred would not have given up on the contractor model. The ROI is too high for them to.

As I said, a union would not have stopped this but it could have bought us more time before it did happen.

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
Fred would not have given up on the contractor model. The ROI is too high for them to.

As I said, a union would not have stopped this but it could have bought us more time before it did happen.
Unions are built to stop exactly this. Ground should have been stopped before it started.


Well-Known Member
Pretty hard to do when Express is employees and Ground isn't.
Hard to do but not impossible. UPS is all employees but their system is much more efficient. If we were Union I don't think they would have the cost-benefit of using contractors for very long.


Well-Known Member
Hard to do but not impossible. UPS is all employees but their system is much more efficient. If we were Union I don't think they would have the cost-benefit of using contractors for very long.
I think they'd want Ground as is to generate profits to pay for higher Express costs with a union.