I just see reality bro. UPS is just gaining more and more on FedEx. They've been around for more than 100 years and probably be around for another 100.
Keep in mind something about IWBF. By his own admission a big mileage day for him is 35 miles.
Now go out to rural America where a 300 mile day is still pretty common.
Out there it is still very common to find Ground grunts getting paid on a per diem. Same daily pay whether it takes 6 hours or 12 hours.
It is for that reason why everything that's going out that day has to be scanned and loaded ready to go by 8AM. House boxes, air boxes.....everything.
Now is that Ground grunt going to put up with having to wait as a matter of near daily practice for that the air box to finally get there? Is he going to allow 2 to 3 uncompensated additional hours to be added to his day when it's dark at 5 PM and GPS out there is still so inaccurate that it can't be counted on? Longer day....same pay.
IWBF will likely be getting his air box service from Logan a major US airport. While out where the deer and the antelope play that guy will likely be waiting for a feeder plane to get into a little regional airport equipped with minimum services. A 9-5 FBO and a guy to plow the runways.....If the truck will start.....the runway lights work....and it's not fogged in
In fact just yesterday Express didn't get into my neighborhood until 4:40 PM And I only live 7 miles from the Express station. Imagine what it's going to be like for Ground when it's burdened with this next new fine mess.
IWBF still continues to think that the way he has it where he's located is the same everywhere else in the country.
Trouble is, so does Fat Freddy, Raj and Johnny Dollar Sign.