Extended Area routes to run only 3 days per week?

10:30 resi

Well-Known Member
It is not the best result for a high seniority driver to go to work 2 days/week and be “homeless”, as I will be when they don’t run my route 2 days/week.

I guess I took it for granted that I would be on my country route every day.

Is it overly cynical of me to question if corporate is using Rural Deferment to discourage high seniority drivers to keep working? (Run out the old, slower drivers?)

Putting the issue of my lower back pain aside, I would not stay on the route and be “homeless” 2 days a week, so I am going to take an inside job.

Reading that, it looks like it is a primadona (i.e. diva) attitude, but that is how I feel.

Finally, my lower back pain is much, much improved **after only 1 week** off the route, so I am grateful for that.
Bid whatever route that is in 5 days a week your decrepit little heart desires. Work at the same safe pace. File 9.5. They'll get tired of paying the penalty and adjust the route for you. Even better, bid a route with a lot of pickups and hold the pickups hostage every day until they reduce your dispatch. You know what the companies plan is, why capitulate?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Bid whatever route that is in 5 days a week your decrepit little heart desires. Work at the same safe pace. File 9.5. They'll get tired of paying the penalty and adjust the route for you. Even better, bid a route with a lot of pickups and hold the pickups hostage every day until they reduce your dispatch. You know what the companies plan is, why capitulate?
Pickups are the trump card.

10:30 resi

Well-Known Member
Pickups are the trump card.
And lunch during a contractual hour. The only dispatch tools at your disposal. So many guys taking lunch at the building at the end because "I have too much business, there's no way I'd get it all done if I took lunch." Or because "I have to get the pickups back before cutoff." Yeah, no kidding you morons. You would have an hour less work if you followed the contract.


Well-Known Member
Never was meant to be a system to be fair or close to reality...straight up production tool.
At least they used to claim it was fair and that your study was created fairly.
It is not the best result for a high seniority driver to go to work 2 days/week and be “homeless”, as I will be when they don’t run my route 2 days/week.

I guess I took it for granted that I would be on my country route every day.

Is it overly cynical of me to question if corporate is using Rural Deferment to discourage high seniority drivers to keep working? (Run out the old, slower drivers?)

Putting the issue of my lower back pain aside, I would not stay on the route and be “homeless” 2 days a week, so I am going to take an inside job.

Reading that, it looks like it is a primadona (i.e. diva) attitude, but that is how I feel.

Finally, my lower back pain is much, much improved **after only 1 week** off the route, so I am grateful for that.
how much of a pay cut will you take by going inside? Not only in pay rate but you were getting 11 hours per day. Also, what is the availability of inside jobs in your building, in ours they dont open up too often, guys who have them tend to linger.


Half the lies they tell about me aren't true!!
And lunch during a contractual hour. The only dispatch tools at your disposal. So many guys taking lunch at the building at the end because "I have too much business, there's no way I'd get it all done if I took lunch." Or because "I have to get the pickups back before cutoff." Yeah, no kidding you morons. You would have an hour less work if you followed the contract.
I just had this talk with a young driver. He told me tuesday he couldn’t take his lunch in the middle of the day because he wouldn’t have got all his businesses off…..….wtf?


Active Member
About 20 years ago, I had a downtown route that almost always had way too many stops on it. I took all my lunches and breaks out on the route.

I was probably getting in with my pickups about 8:30 to 9:30 PM every night.

After about 3-4 months of this, they made a huge effort to try to fire me (for delivering misroutes without getting permission first AND piggy-backing my breaks). This didn’t get very far at all because I wasn’t doing anything wrong, although the BA did say not to piggy-back my breaks.

The max stop count was subsequently reduced.

Strangely, they had printed up **every** ODS message that I sent over a 4-month period. This served only to waste paper.

10:30 resi

Well-Known Member
About 20 years ago, I had a downtown route that almost always had way too many stops on it. I took all my lunches and breaks while I was out there.

I was probably getting in with my pickups about 8:30 to 9:30 PM every night.

After about 3-4 months of this, they made a huge effort to try to fire me (for delivering misroutes without getting permission first AND piggy-backing my breaks). This didn’t get very far at all because I wasn’t doing anything wrong, although the BA did say not to piggy-back my breaks.

The max stop count was subsequently reduced.
If you know your rights they try to fire you. It's a rite of passage.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
And lunch during a contractual hour. The only dispatch tools at your disposal. So many guys taking lunch at the building at the end because "I have too much business, there's no way I'd get it all done if I took lunch." Or because "I have to get the pickups back before cutoff." Yeah, no kidding you morons. You would have an hour less work if you followed the contract.
It’s insane what these runners do. There’s no talking to them either. Eff em, not my problem anymore.


Active Member
At least they used to claim it was fair and that your study was created fairly.

how much of a pay cut will you take by going inside? Not only in pay rate but you were getting 11 hours per day. Also, what is the availability of inside jobs in your building, in ours they dont open up too often, guys who have them tend to linger.
The pay cut is about $41,000/year gross. This assumes 55 hrs/week as a driver & 40 as an insider. I can barely afford to live with that because my wife works, too.

As far as current inside job availability, I am sittin’ pretty. The PM Clerk has already put in his retirement paperwork, & both of the carwashers are expected to be gone in 1-2 years, if not sooner. The PM Shuttle guy is synced up with me (right below me on the seniority list), but I can see him scooting before I retire.

Add vacations & injuries to the above, & I could never drive a package car again if I didn’t want to.

I have zero interest in getting up early, but there is a mirror image of the above on the AM side, although the AM Clerk may not yet have filed. This is irrelevant because those hours turn me into a zombie at home.
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Well-Known Member
The pay cut is about $41,000/year gross. This assumes 55 hrs/week as a driver & 40 as an insider. I can barely afford to live with that because my wife works, too.

As far as current inside job availability, I am sittin’ pretty. The PM Clerk has already put in his retirement paperwork, & both of the carwashers are expected to be gone in 1-2 years, if not sooner. The PM Shuttle guy is synced up with me (right below me on the seniority list), but I can see him scooting before I retire.

Add vacations & injuries to the above, & I could never drive a package car again if I didn’t want to.

I have zero interest in getting up early, but there is a mirror image of the above on the AM side, although the AM Clerk may not yet have filed. This is irrelevant because those hours turn me into a zombie at home.
Yeah take advantage of the availability of these jobs. I wish I would have when they were available a few years ago, guys with lower seniority than me now have them and really like the jobs. I’d like to transition into one but none are opening up.


Well-Known Member
I think they're trying to force people to retire if they can