Extended Area routes to run only 3 days per week?


Active Member
The $h!t is going to hit the fan here in the next few years what with the ***federal debt***, private debt, interest rates/inflation, & the cost of living.

One could look at forced austerity measures anywhere from Greece (a good example) or Kenya (not a good comparison to the US, but who knows?).

I think that forced austerity measures are imminent for the US federal budget.

There is no scenario in which that is pretty (or even comfortable) for 99% of the people in the US, regardless of how those people vote.

It really should be haves vs. have-nots, rather than red vs. blue. I predict that we will see a lot of economic pain for everybody except the wealthy.

In hindsight, the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 will look like a walk in the park. Not much good news here other that whatever plans you execute arising from the foresight that you should have now.

We have been swindled and fleeced.
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The $h!t is going to hit the fan here in the next few years what with the ***federal debt***, private debt, interest rates/inflation, & the cost of living.

One could look at forced austerity measures anywhere from Greece (a good example) or Kenya (not a good comparison to the US, but who knows?).

I think that forced austerity measures are imminent for the US federal budget.

There is no scenario in which that is pretty (or even comfortable) for 99% of the people in the US, regardless of how those people vote.

It really should be haves vs. have-nots, rather than red vs. blue. I predict that we will see a lot of economic pain for everybody except the wealthy.

In hindsight, the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 will look like a walk in the park. Not much good news here other that whatever plans you execute arising from the foresight that you should have now.

We have been swindled and fleeced.


Active Member
This is not going to last

Zero interest credit card has finally run out
You can only kick the can so far down the road.
While higher Fed rates increase the cost of servicing their debt, an astronomically high federal debt (such that we have) would incentive the feds to have higher Fed rates ***so that they are collecting taxes on an exponentially expanding economy***.


Active Member
Assuming a federal debt of $34.8T, and a population of 333M, the share of the above debt for every man, woman and child is $104,625 if the federal govt stops borrowing money today.

Is there any other conclusion than “We are hosed”?

Hence, expect painful austerity measures combined with clearly irresponsible QE leading to very high inflation rates. These higher inflation rates (say 10 to 20% or more annually) would be here to stay.

Gotta balance the budget, my dudes.
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Marty Peters kid
About 20 years ago, I had a downtown route that almost always had way too many stops on it. I took all my lunches and breaks out on the route.

I was probably getting in with my pickups about 8:30 to 9:30 PM every night.

After about 3-4 months of this, they made a huge effort to try to fire me (for delivering misroutes without getting permission first AND piggy-backing my breaks). This didn’t get very far at all because I wasn’t doing anything wrong, although the BA did say not to piggy-back my breaks.

The max stop count was subsequently reduced.

Strangely, they had printed up **every** ODS message that I sent over a 4-month period. This served only to waste paper.
But you ask them for a diad message from yesterday they can't seem to find it...pretty pitiful


Well-Known Member
The pay cut is about $41,000/year gross. This assumes 55 hrs/week as a driver & 40 as an insider. I can barely afford to live with that because my wife works, too.

As far as current inside job availability, I am sittin’ pretty. The PM Clerk has already put in his retirement paperwork, & both of the carwashers are expected to be gone in 1-2 years, if not sooner. The PM Shuttle guy is synced up with me (right below me on the seniority list), but I can see him scooting before I retire.

Add vacations & injuries to the above, & I could never drive a package car again if I didn’t want to.

I have zero interest in getting up early, but there is a mirror image of the above on the AM side, although the AM Clerk may not yet have filed. This is irrelevant because those hours turn me into a zombie at home.

Go in at 4am. Get off at noon. Have every afternoon and evening free. Screw working 55 hours every week.


The $h!t is going to hit the fan here in the next few years what with the ***federal debt***, private debt, interest rates/inflation, & the cost of living.

One could look at forced austerity measures anywhere from Greece (a good example) or Kenya (not a good comparison to the US, but who knows?).

I think that forced austerity measures are imminent for the US federal budget.

There is no scenario in which that is pretty (or even comfortable) for 99% of the people in the US, regardless of how those people vote.

It really should be haves vs. have-nots, rather than red vs. blue. I predict that we will see a lot of economic pain for everybody except the wealthy.

In hindsight, the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 will look like a walk in the park. Not much good news here other that whatever plans you execute arising from the foresight that you should have now.

We have been swindled and fleeced.