Facial hair


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Look professional. Most dudes can't grow a decent beard. Leave the facial hair to the criminal element.
A clean cut beard is most definitely considered a professional look now. A mustache however is not.

You should stick to slapping the wife around if she doesn’t stay in the kitchen.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
So many ppl at our center have full grown beards that they hide under full facial masks per covid regs. The center manager called them out at a mtg one morning. "I know all you guys with full facial masks have full beards under them, thats why you come walking up with the mask up to your eyeballs", everyone started laughing cause we all know its true :P

Then what? He just acknowledged the fact and? No disciplinary action?

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Been growing a beard since April. It's easy to get a medical waiver. The busier the center, the better life is. No time for management to sit around and nitpick to justify their jobs. Rolling right into peak with the playoff beard 😂

I just don't understand how facial hair has morphed into male braids down to their waists. With full beards. looks more like a UB40 video shoot.