
Well-Known Member
if you're hired off the street as a permanent full time driver and you start mid October, does the no seniority accrue time apply to me or is that just for seasonal employees?


New Member
I am a re-hire. I worked a few seasons ago as a casual and did a great job, I was told by my on car sup and center manager. And was going to be given a chance to make book, and was kept on as a bid air driver/ pm driver part time after the peak season. I however couldn't hold on to part time pay and had to accept full time elsewhere. I have been hired back this season as a permanent, and I am extremely excited to finally get the job I've been wanting for so long. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right this time and making sure I nail it after my 30 days. Any tips, advice, and knowledge? In regards to organizing my day better this time around, which is the one thing I struggled with last time. Thank you.


Active Member
It's day 6 for me at UPS. I am improving but I tend to be slow putting the packages in the trucks because I write the HIN # on each box. Any advice how not to stack up boxes or tips?

John Ericson

Active Member
It's day 6 for me at UPS. I am improving but I tend to be slow putting the packages in the trucks because I write the HIN # on each box. Any advice how not to stack up boxes or tips?
I learned that the hardest boxes were the long ones, I had trouble with those, but as soon as i started watching other veterans work I quickly learned that they place them on the sides, yeah and don't stack boxes if the bottom box is very light or small they tend to get crushed or tend to tip the column


Well-Known Member
My preloader started driving school on Monday so I have been having to deal with a new loader. So far, so good, although yesterday he decided that since there were very few packages PAL'd to the 8000 shelf that he would take those on the 7000 shelf and split them between the two shelves.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
My preloader started driving school on Monday so I have been having to deal with a new loader. So far, so good, although yesterday he decided that since there were very few packages PAL'd to the 8000 shelf that he would take those on the 7000 shelf and split them between the two shelves.

Did he at least inform you?


Well-Known Member
I'll put a 3000 if it's heavy as :censored2: below on the 4000 shelf. Is that alright? I'm not destroying my shoulder for the sake of brown!


New Member
In the central region if you become full time as an off the street hire once your thirty days is over and you are a seniority employee you have to work eight calendar weeks to be vested for you Teamcare health benefits. This is obviously for permanent full time employees and does not apply to part timers.

I have a questions once you complete all requirements and school how long should your supervisor be on the road with you teaching you your route before your on your own?


Well-Known Member
I have a questions once you complete all requirements and school how long should your supervisor be on the road with you teaching you your route before your on your own?

Our center uses a 3 day training schedule. Day 1 the sup drives all day. Day 2 you and the sup take turns driving. Day 3 you drive all day. Day 4 you are on your own, with a reduced dispatch.


New Member
Our center uses a 3 day training schedule. Day 1 the sup drives all day. Day 2 you and the sup take turns driving. Day 3 you drive all day. Day 4 you are on your own, with a reduced dispatch.
okay now my question is on day 4 when he went by himself they gave him a new route not the one he was learning with over 200 packages, they realized they made a mistake and asked him to take a safety course because they forgot to show him that in school. than they did the same thing on the fifth day and he tried the route by himself and in the route there were so many things he did not learn for example how to pick up a package from a facility? when he called his supervisor he was a dick about it and said figured it out since he couldnt he was yelled about costing UPS $300.00.. is this right?


New Member
yes, that's exactly what i told him.. even the the older UPS drivers that helped him out said it wasn't right of his supervisor to send him blind to a new route he was not familiarized with, So when he came back to His hub because he started to feel the anxiety of loss and unsure of himself, he explained to them that the route was not the one he was learning and there were many packages that was not taught to him nor did they try to explain to him on how to do the job function properly. so they let him go because "3 days was enough training for him to be on his own" I just feel like he was given the run around but he does plan and reapply in 3 mos for a different hub. i just feel luck was not on his side.. he went to the school and on the first day his partner quit so he went 2 days alone and on the 3rd day 2 guys quit so he was supposed to have a partner but they said no so overall he passed the school on his own and now he feels like a failure. Im just trying to get answers since he has been depressed for 5 days since he was let go.


That’s Craptacular
I'll put a 3000 if it's heavy as :censored2: below on the 4000 shelf. Is that alright? I'm not destroying my shoulder for the sake of brown!
Ummm....it It's heavy as friend....why the friend are you even putting it ON a shelf?

Unless a driver specifically told me that he wanted anything under 70lbs on a shelf whenever possible...I would never put anything over 30 lbs on a top shelf and nothing over 40lbs goes on a bottom shelf. Just a courtesy...i didn't want a driver getting injured because of something I did.