I was at the union hall about a year ago for a harassment grievance. There were 5 grievances being heard at the hall that day. As we all talked in the hallway, one guy was there over a termination and the other four of us were there for harassment. After the panel hearing i was taken into a back room and told that we don't bring those types of grievances up here. Upon waiting in the lot for another guy that was there for harassment, he got the same back room talk. That was just the BA wanting to keep all this quiet. The union want to cover it up all the same. Six months later when the international talks came up, surprise, One of the major issues Hoffa and Hall brought up was harassment. They all knew it was an issue all along. In my opinion, You have to state your case at the hall where all hearings are recorded. Everytime I file I tell my BA I am going to the Hall then I cant be used as a tradeoff grievance. They can't make it go away then. We have had two managers since and as much as one of them harassed other employees, it didn't happen to me. I won't hesitate to file again if i have to.