Forced to work Saturday Xmas eve?


Well-Known Member
I guess your center screws the drivers that come in Saturday. We were assured that our areas remain the same Saturday and Monday. We even keep all the same pal labels on for undelivered Saturday work.

Not sure about your center but my center is maxed out on staffing. We have no more capacity. We have rentals lined up in the aisles where pkgs have to be carted to them because they can't be backed into the belts.

Ours is essentially the same. The plan that we will run today will be the same that will be run on Monday. Known closures are not attempted and stay on the car.

We are lucky in that when they designed our new building they provided room for a MDU, which uses the outbound air belt to load 6 areas.

The drivers that show up today will not be given work from drivers who don't.


Well-Known Member
I understand, your still new.
If I don't come in on Saturday I won't be dispatched with 70 more stops on Monday than if I did 70 stops on Saturday.
The volume will certainly shift to other drivers, or I will simply bring them back.

Not working Saturday would actually make Monday easier for me since I will be dispatched with the same amount of stops either way, but they would be tighter geographically if I don't do them Saturday.

Don't believe everything management tells you.

As to the contention that we can't get it done working 5 days a week in December...
They put forth that line in 2013 when they understaffed. After the media fallout from all the service failures they had no problem getting it done in 5 days in 2014 with higher staffing levels.

We are basically short staffed year round now. It is just more apparent during peak. Our average planned day non-peak over the years has gone from 8.3 to 8.8 to 9.2 to 9.4.
Stop buying the management line that we can't expand our permanent workforce, you just sound naive. It's about corporate greed.
Very well put "35". Not doing your work on Saturday the way some talk about in no way means you'll have perhaps double on Monday. With the way I work management knows exactly what to expect from me and what I can and am willing to get done.....simple enough. I don't pick up the pace any differently now because "it's peak". The month has a different name but I work just the same as any other time of the year. Company has many brainwashed and whipped into a frenzy. I am doing the same amount of stops or perhaps less in a tighter area having a couple sections off of me.


Well-Known Member
Stand up for yourself. Lol calling out every Xmas eve and refusing to walk in the snow isn't standing up for yourself. It's a completely chicken :censored2: move.

I simply said if you pulled those moves here what would happen. Every place is different but in my center it simply wouldn't fly.
Again, what you said is laughable. Guys always crack up and laugh by me saying I should write a book on how to be a UPS driver......said they should put a monument up of me when I hang it up.....and implore me to join the union to represent them because I keep them on a tight leash. Yourself and others I guess would just have to be in my building to see firsthand for yourself to understand and believe me. They see me get little perks so to or say things others would be let go for.
And my :censored2: will fly wherever I go in life because I have what's called self respect.....I don't get stepped on. I put my neck on the line standing up for myself and took heat without crying to the union for many years here and faced so much harassment you would not believe it. Threatened with anything and everything. Was never broken and now they pretty much gave up because the faster their mouths run the slower my feet move.
Having a sharp and fast thinking mind.....big heart......and good sized balls keeps me in the game.

Lastly.....all I can suggest is for drivers not to be so afraid and intimidated by UPS just because they're such a huge company. Don't be such a doormat and pushover for them or they will drain everything from you as much as possible because again.....THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU!! All you are is an employee number in their system......treat you all like unbreakable machines in their quest for numbers and performance.

If more drivers got wise and did the job properly without cutting corners in so many ways they would have no choice but to put more routes in and lighten workloads. So many guys complain about the company burying them with work yet it's our own union drivers who allow it and condone it with garbage "fast food" work methods. SLOW DOWN and DO THINGS THE RIGHT WAY!!


Well-Known Member
This type of money money money mentally leads to broken homes and kids that resent you

Have at the money, I have many more important things in my life than boxes
Well said. Kids never showed resentment and know the job is difficult. But yes....there's always another day to make money.


Well-Known Member
You my friend are out of your mind!! Are you that money hungry or have no self respect to allow them to pull some crap like that?
I would never be in that predicament, but for fun reasons lets just say I was......I would have slammed the truck into a tree and had them in court.
Out at 2am delivering.....that is so silly it's not believable. But seeing that it's coming from you I have no choice but to accept that you are telling the truth.
Did kids in school tag you with those goofy "KICK ME" signs on your backside and pick on you??


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Yep, I lose perspective sometimes, then I'll talk to a PT loader working in the morning that's gotta hit his FT job after working here for 4 hours. The guy works more hours than we do for half the overall pay.

Makes you wonder how his family life is if he's forced to do two jobs, because he has to for whatever reason.

Folks say "money isn't everything" but try living without a lot of it and see how good that family time is when all you do is argue about which bill isn't getting paid this month.
They say money can't buy you love but the number 1 cause of divorce is money troubles.

It may not buy love but it sure as hell helps.


Well-Known Member
They wanted to work us today (Saturday) and sent out messages all week asking for volunteers. Unfortunately due to understaffing this year most of the center was out of hours on Friday. Can't see Xmas week being any different, more than likely we'll all be out of hours by Friday anyways. We are one significant snowfall away from disaster now, and snow is forecasted for Sunday.


Bad Moon Risen'
I guess your center screws the drivers that come in Saturday. We were assured that our areas remain the same Saturday and Monday. We even keep all the same pal labels on for undelivered Saturday work.

Not sure about your center but my center is maxed out on staffing. We have no more capacity. We have rentals lined up in the aisles where pkgs have to be carted to them because they can't be backed into the belts.
I can do about 140 stops on my rural area and be bumping up against 14 hours. Anything above 140 would most likely be sheeted as missed and rolled into the next day. I choose not to work on Saturday as they are getting 60 hours out of me M-friend. Management has no choice but to move some of my area to an adjacent driver who volunteered to work the weekend.