Forced to work Saturday Xmas eve?

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Finished at 2:00 today bringing me to 59.999999.
Easy money day. Passed numerous FedEx and Post office trucks. Talked to the FedEx guy and he said they are on a 6 day a week schedule. Post office is always but I am seeing them every Sunday now too. Yet we are complaining about a few half Saturdays.

What kind of business decision would it be if UPS was the only major carrier to not run Saturdays during peak?

What if Home Depot decided to never open Sundays while Lowe's did? That wouldn't be very good for HD.

Made over $1,000 in OT this week. I'll take it!

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
First off, calling me a liberal is hilarious! You have no idea.
Secondly, a three year driver like yourself has no concept of how the company has changed through the years.

UPS has a right to make a profit but does not have the right to disrespect the dignity of it's employees by working them unwillingly 14 hours a day.

As to walking out the door...I have seen plenty of managers quit with an attitude like yours (very, very few drivers) who do not think we have any right to a reasonable amount of hours so we can have time with our families.

Just because you have no problem giving all your time to the corporation does not make it right that all drivers must do the same.

Anyway, just keep nodding your head up and down to the corporate line and you will make a great part time sup one day.

Sorry, but when I hear someone bashing businesses simply trying to compete and move the work that comes in, I don't think conservative.

UPS has an interesting take on "corporate greed". Let's pay people $52/hr + health insurance and pension to carry boxes from an expensive truck to a porch. That's some get rich quick scheme all right.

What it really comes down to is moving the pkgs that other companies and people have paid us to deliver. Turning away business isn't exactly in our interest when companies like Amazon is working to deliver their own crap at a fraction of the cost.


Staff member
Finished at 2:00 today bringing me to 59.999999.
Easy money day. Passed numerous FedEx and Post office trucks. Talked to the FedEx guy and he said they are on a 6 day a week schedule. Post office is always but I am seeing them every Sunday now too. Yet we are complaining about a few half Saturdays.

What kind of business decision would it be if UPS was the only major carrier to not run Saturdays during peak?

What if Home Depot decided to never open Sundays while Lowe's did? That wouldn't be very good for HD.

Made over $1,000 in OT this week. I'll take it!

Getting closer to that premium car.