Glad to hear you got your situation taken care of. I know when my wife was a preload sup, she would usually wind up working a at least 12 hours a day. She usually would have to take out a p/t person on a pkg car to cover extra work or a driver that called in sick that day. She finally got so fed up with it that she took the buy-out back in 95 after 21 years of service.
Not to say that I don't have some major issues with our management team from time to time but you couldn't pay me enough money to ever put a tie on and put up with the BS you guys have to deal with. I like the fact that I can voice my displeasures with my center team while they have to grin and bear the abuse from their bosses At least after I deliver my packages I can go home and forget UPS ever existed.
Oh, wearing a tie or a skirt is not all that bad. 12 Hoggin got some great advice, talked with his manager and division manager and is now working 3-4 less hours per day.
That in itself says a lot about 12 Hoggin to take his concerns to his management and get an acceptable resolution. In his/her case, the work was re-evaluated and delegated to an under utilized OMS.
I would rather have a supervisor or manager come to me than continue to be miserable and overworked in their assignment. Sometimes there is so much requested of operations by the Staff functions, you just have to throw the balls up in the air, and catch them the best you can.
And the leaving UPS behind, I'll tell you, although I worked there for 28 years, and I walked out the door for the last time, it seems like I never worked there that long. Just keep the checks coming!!