Address issues they complain about all the time on the internet complaint sites.
"I paid for delivery to my house, and I am told I have to drive across town to pick it up" "I PAID for UPS TO DELIVER IT TO MY HOUSE, not so I would have to drive across town to pick it up!"
"I ordered items to be delivered by UPS, and the Post Office delivered it" "I would have selected Post Office if I wanted them to deliver it, and paid a lower price!"
"My items were delivered at 9PM, used to be I would see deliveries to my house no later than 6PM"
These are the top 3 I have seen, it is all about the company forgetting the days when customers were important.
Bring these issues to the attention of the public as issues of importance to the union (even though customers are not important to the company) I feel we would get much support.