Global warming


Inordinately Right
Funny pictures aside, livestock's methane output is third on the list behind natural gas and rotting landfill waste. Not to mention, most of the methane comes from their "burps" not their farts.

There are practical ideas out there. Changing the diet of the cows could help reduce their methane output, garlic and plants high in tannins attack the organisms in their stomachs that produce the methane. Or I guess we could all just become Buddhists....


golden ticket member


nowhere special


Strength through joy
Happy Earth Day .
I will be using only natural products provided by Mother Earth today , which are quite plentiful throughout the globe .
Namely oil & natural gas .


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I've seen better from you.
Doesn't deserve better. It was a really lame premise, put out without scientific 'consensus', so it deserved a cursory 'meh'.

Feeling low since one of your hero's decided to leave the mortal coil? No more new Ruppert videos to bee infatuated with?


Engorged Member
No deniers or conspiracy freaks have a comment on the latest government report on climate change?


The Right Wingers I listened to on the radio today said it was all politically motivated. So, to them, global warming is fine, and we don't need to do anything about it. Several hosts had the same "viewpoint", so my guess is that today's FOX/GOP script was that it's no big deal. Predictable.


The Nim
I don't deny that climate change exists, but I feel that it is hubris to think that humans are a cause of it. They may influence it to a very minor amount, but with things like solar patterns, volcanos, and the position of the earths orbit, the effect humans have is negligible. The climate will warm and cool as it has over the millennia and as best(worst) we as humans with our activities speed it up a decade or two. Even if we stopped our carbon emissions 100% through industrial means and only hunted and farmed our food, no electricity and fire only to cook our food, we'd still go through the climate changes that have always happened.
Easier to quote than retype.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

attribution: NCA
The green band shows how global average temperature would have changed over the last century due to natural forces alone, as simulated by climate models. The blue band shows model simulations of the effects of human and natural forces (including solar and volcanic activity) combined. The black line shows the actual observed global average temperatures. Only with the inclusion of human influences can models reproduce the observed temperature changes. (Figure source: adapted from Huber and Knutti 2012).


Engorged Member
Since bhos has again not made a decision about the keystone pipeline then the only logical thing is he is for more oil related pollution .
All that oil coming out of the ground has to be shipped via tanker cars or trucks . Thus with more & more vehicles on the roads the only conclusion is that more accidents will result .

Ah...Jambo Bwana is a hit Kenyan folk song. Our president hails from Hawaii, not Kenya. Not sure you realized that HI was part of the US.


Engorged Member

attribution: NCA
The green band shows how global average temperature would have changed over the last century due to natural forces alone, as simulated by climate models. The blue band shows model simulations of the effects of human and natural forces (including solar and volcanic activity) combined. The black line shows the actual observed global average temperatures. Only with the inclusion of human influences can models reproduce the observed temperature changes. (Figure source: adapted from Huber and Knutti 2012).

LIAR!! We're just going through a "climate cycle", _____(insert stupid Republican anti-scientific babble here).


Engorged Member

'Our climate is changing, and that change is being driven by human activity. Every year, the United States pumps millions of tons of carbon dioxide pollution and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.'

'Earth Day is about taking action,' the White House declared.

Obama will burn more than 35,000 gallons of fuel on Earth Day, emitting 375 TONS of carbon dioxide

Just like every other President who has had an Air Force One jet aicraft. Do you expect him to ride a bicycle to Asia or something. God, sometimes I really effing wonder about you people.