A free country is trying to compete wage wise with a country that basically shackles their own for what would be known here as slave wages. We fought this war a hundred and fifty years ago. Now owners are leveraging the two against each other on a worker level. It's not fair, not right, not what we fought for with blood, nothing voters ever voted on, etc. We are capitalists only on the owner end now. In china it's communist on the worker end, and that is a bit unfair to communism, it's basically bordering on slavery. Slavery actually has it's own set of issues, for example like having a prisoner, when the gov't takes them into their custody, they now have responsibilities (costs) to make sure they have proper conditions and those are challenged in court non-stop at the cost of billions. Where if you can give someone just enough money for food (shelter - many Chinese live in the plants) to then have them take responsibility for survival, then your hands are washed free of any oops's.
I do agree, trade is important for peace. But then again if we did less, who's really invading us? Come on man.