Well-Known Member
Hans Hoppe, same place Hitler came from, he is nuts !
Eliminate Food and Drug, so next time there won't be a samonella scare, or hambuger disease, etc.. since no longer anyone is to control that. Not even the food processing plants ! ( no more food inspectors)
Have new drugs come out daily, with no prior testing... maybe invent the superpill, that you all die of. (Al Q can open up a pharmacy there.)
Don't think so !
Same with getting rid of all medical licences and regulations... Go back to witchdoctors. Sure, can see that being a better system then you have, NOT !
But, as far as insurers go, that artical was dead right on.
They need competition.
Besides, Insurance companies make a fortune and are gangsters in my opinion.
Everyone has dealt with them in one form or another.. car accident, home insurance, etc.
We get ripped off.
Good thing you don't see the paper work doctors have to go thru, to get thier money from insurance companies. A lot of times it's denied, for some reason or another, and they need to fill out more paperwork, to finally receive thier money.
Anyways, I do hope you agree to some new system, that won't go bankrupt like the current one will, if nothing is done.
Hey Klein, just for you I'm gonna post a photo of me and from here on out when you see, talk with or think of me in any way, this pic will give you a true mental image of what I really am. You ready? Here it comes!