The current system is totally dysfunctional, and unsustainable as well. The health insurance companies are leeches on the body politic, and unlike SMART parasites, are unconcerned about the health of their host. They are following the 'greed is good', 'I'm getting mine and devil take the hindmost' model of Wall Street, not seeing the cliff they are driving the American economy over.
No argument here. The problem is, the more the gov't regulates and suppresses the true "free market" in favor of capitalism otherwise known as mercantilism, the more you'll have this:
The health insurance companies are leeches on the body politic, and unlike SMART parasites, are unconcerned about the health of their host. 'I'm getting mine and devil take the hindmost' model of Wall Street
Case in point is from Wednesday's AP newswire.
Firms with Obama ties profit from health push
And even after a bath ie 06' and 08' elections, republicans when you look
aren't any cleaner.
and let's not forget those secret meetings we all heard about and then maybe there is a good reason the Obama adminstration maintains an adamant position of keeping the contents of these meetings secret. Same reason as Cheney and those
infamous energy meetings. God forbid the public should learn about some of the pipeline systems proposed (
here and
here) to bring oil from the
Caspain Sea Basin. They might have the stones to look on a
map of that area and figure out the need for the wars over the last 20 years to secure rights over land routes or in the case of one member of the evil axis,
to profit and enter the market place via it's own Caspian Sea Coastline!

And so many thought that Clinton was above Oil Wars.

We also had
this and
this from those Clinton years that so little of is ever talked about. Wonder why?
At least some progressives/paleo liberals get it with healthcare and are speaking out.
Guess What? He's a Terrible President
Block Obama's Abject Surrender to Insurance and Drug Companies
And it may seem like a stretch but if one were willing to look and connect dots,
this move by the Obama adminstration sure raises a tons of probing questions. Techgrrl, in "How Does the White House Counter Dissent at Town Hall Meetings"you made some very good comments in post #65, #66 & #67 showing that you understand at some level how "crony capitalism uses gov't not in the spirit of true free market but for purely economic advantage and in fact to destroy true free market economics while maintaining an illusion of such. In response to understanding the connection of Monsanto to all of this, I'd make 2 suggestions. First, go to google video and watch, "The World According To Monsanto" and then go see the movie
Food INC. Your understanding of crony capitalism will make you appreciate both movies IMO.
Do you remember that ole saying about gov't not meant to compliment?
I'm from the gov't and I'm here to help!
It wasn't for humor, it was a caveat!
BTW as an aside to your Blackwater comments in the White House/Townhall thread, you'll also enjoy
Jeremy Scahill's piece in the Nation of the very same subject. Scott Horton of KAOS-FM in Austin Texas did an
interview of Jeremy for AntiWar radio that you might find interesting as well. Jeremy has also done a good job on Blackwater at
Rebel Reports which is his website.