I have the answer.
I should just give up.
So what...My doctor is in Atlanta.
My insurance doesn't cover my visits to him in Atlanta.
I CHOOSE to see him.
I researched the best doctor and he won.
I pay with cash.
I don't much care that I could see a local specialist.
I don't much care that my insurance doesn't cover visits.
He works with my GP for those "god-awful tests" called a MRI and a spinal tap.
What people are failing to understand is this...
I am an American and I like my ability to have free choice!!!
So like I started this out...
I give up.
I am starting to feel like giving up.
Why work?
Why not just go for Social Security Disability?
Why not get the Social Security bennies while I am young?
Why not beat you all to the path of Obamacare?
That would be fun. I can report back to everyone.
And yes....I wrote this in anger.
Why can I have free choice and abort a child and that is OKAY?
Why can't I have free choice in my healthcare?
For the record: I am PRO-LIFE. I just hope that statement makes you think.