Gov healthcare


Für Meno :)
That's not true, my friend from the north. We actually get CBC on our local cable system.

Wow, okay didn't know that, because I just recently chatted with some from Tacomba (near Seatlle), they don't get any.

CBC is the lousiest channel we have (hardly any programming, only good for hockey and national News ). Hope you have CTV and Global, as well. (the other 2 national channels).


Staff member
Your freedom of press (only 13th or 17th in the world rankings) won't allow you to learn more.
You can live on boarder cities, like Detroit, or Seattle. Yet, not 1 single Canadian Channel is broadcasted to your TV.

Here, we get them all, CBS. FOX, ABC, NBC, and all your specialty channels like A&E , Discovery, and so on.
My US local channels range from Rochester NY, to Spokane, ID, over to Seattle and Tocomba.

We have great knowledge of America. Because, we have access to it.
Something, maybe you should get access to, to be better informed.
I thought you guys only had one channel anyway, and all it shows is reruns of "Leave it to Beaver" and "I Dream of Jeanie". Unless of course it's hockey season, in which case it shows an American team winning the Stanley Cup.....


Für Meno :)
I thought you guys only had one channel anyway, and all it shows is reruns of "Leave it to Beaver" and "I Dream of Jeanie". Unless of course it's hockey season, in which case it shows an American team winning the Stanley Cup.....

You mean Canadians playing in the US, winning the cup.
We shall see how far the REAL american hockey players go, come Vancouver in Feb. Be happy , if you even make it to the Bronze medal game.


Well-Known Member
Your freedom of press (only 13th or 17th in the world rankings) won't allow you to learn more.
You can live on boarder cities, like Detroit, or Seattle. Yet, not 1 single Canadian Channel is broadcasted to your TV.
Seattle isn't a border city
Here, we get them all, CBS. FOX, ABC, NBC, and all your specialty channels like A&E , Discovery, and so on.
My US local channels range from Rochester NY, to Spokane, ID, over to Seattle and Tocomba. Tacoma

We have great knowledge of America. Because, we have access to it.
Something, maybe you should get access to, to be better informed.


Für Meno :)
Another example how insurance companies pick as they chose.

Too-Fat Baby Denied Health Care
A Colorado baby is unable to get health insurance because of his weight.


golden ticket member
I saw this baby & family on TV yesterday and he is not even on solid food yet.....all he has is breast milk. Ridiculous to deny him healthcare!!


Age quod agis
I have the answer.
I should just give up.

So what...My doctor is in Atlanta.
My insurance doesn't cover my visits to him in Atlanta.
I CHOOSE to see him.
I researched the best doctor and he won.

I pay with cash.

I don't much care that I could see a local specialist.
I don't much care that my insurance doesn't cover visits.
He works with my GP for those "god-awful tests" called a MRI and a spinal tap.

What people are failing to understand is this...


I am an American and I like my ability to have free choice!!!

So like I started this out...

I give up.

I am starting to feel like giving up.
Why work?
Why not just go for Social Security Disability?
Why not get the Social Security bennies while I am young?
Why not beat you all to the path of Obamacare?

That would be fun. I can report back to everyone.

And yes....I wrote this in anger.:biting:

Why can I have free choice and abort a child and that is OKAY?
Why can't I have free choice in my healthcare?

For the record: I am PRO-LIFE. I just hope that statement makes you think.


golden ticket member
Don't automatically think that you know what I want. Just because I hate Obama's plan does not mean I don't want SOME kind of plan. Oh yeah, the previous was not cut & pasted !!


:dissapointed:I wonder how many UPSers and Teamsters have figured out that the Government will deem their present health care as "cadillac"
This will mean that the premiums will be "taxed" --the cost will skyrocket --first to insurance company --next to company ---will be passed down to individual with either higher co-pays or less coverage. Of course Obama is not taxing you directly -----but you will get the full consequence of the tax.
Many companies including UPS -may decide that this is just too expensive.
Pay the fee or fine {another tax} and let us fall into a public option or coop ?? But of course he will still claim that you can keep your present coverage and doctor -----but he does not say it will be your choice --it will be the employers----Just another way to get total control. We will fall into "Klein World" convincing ourselves how good the government is doing with healthcare as it goes the way of the post office---so highly efficient !!!!:anxious:
Basically we are gonna get screwed and our own union is providing the screwdriver by not fighting this.


Für Meno :)
We will fall into "Klein World" convincing ourselves how good the government is doing with healthcare as it goes the way of the post office---so highly efficient !!!!

Gee, in 2004 we had auto insurance reform ! Governments from 3 provinces told the private insurance companies, either obey, or you'll face a public option. Sounds pretty familiar, eh ?
They obeyd, lowered rates, or would have had to face the concequences of facing tough non per-profit competition.
Ofcourse, you didn't see us going to the townhalls. Why should we ? We saved instantly 5% first year, and more ever since.

So, why some of you think a public option is destructive. Better think twice about it.
You can keep your employee insurance, but atleast give the smaller people (single business people, or citizens , that pay private insurance on thier own), to shop a little with competition and cheaper rates.


Well-Known Member
Gee, in 2004 we had auto insurance reform ! Governments from 3 provinces told the private insurance companies, either obey, or you'll face a public option. Sounds pretty familiar, eh ?
They obeyd, lowered rates, or would have had to face the concequences of facing tough non per-profit competition.
Ofcourse, you didn't see us going to the townhalls. Why should we ? We saved instantly 5% first year, and more ever since.

So, why some of you think a public option is destructive. Better think twice about it.
You can keep your employee insurance, but atleast give the smaller people (single business people, or citizens , that pay private insurance on thier own), to shop a little with competition and cheaper rates.

A public option will become the only option. In fact with the Baucus bill the government will probably be the only option within a few years of it taking effect. With your auto insurance analogy did the government say they would force auto insurers to cover and repair cars which had already been in an accident? That is what they are trying to do with health insurance here.


Für Meno :)
A public option will become the only option. In fact with the Baucus bill the government will probably be the only option within a few years of it taking effect. With your auto insurance analogy did the government say they would force auto insurers to cover and repair cars which had already been in an accident? That is what they are trying to do with health insurance here.

Brett, I'm honest here. You know Auto insurance is mandatory.
And, I do realize, if healthcare becomes mandatory there. It will be difficult to keep up with enough family doctors, and services.

A graduate (very slow), change, may work. But, overnite thing. Yes, it's worrysum. No doubt.

I wish you all good luck.
I don't think anyone knows the best solution, besides that keeping it status quo doesn't seem to work much longer, and it's bankrupting the whole system.


Well-Known Member
Brett, I'm honest here. You know Auto insurance is mandatory.
And, I do realize, if healthcare becomes mandatory there. It will be difficult to keep up with enough family doctors, and services.

A graduate (very slow), change, may work. But, overnite thing. Yes, it's worrysum. No doubt.

I wish you all good luck.
I don't think anyone knows the best solution, besides that keeping it status quo doesn't seem to work much longer, and it's bankrupting the whole system.

Auto insurance is mandatory here too, but I've been in more accidents in my personal vehicle with more uninsured drivers, than insured drivers. The best solution here is to give individuals the power to pick and choose their health insurers. Not their employers, not the government, but the individuals. It has worked in every other market, and there is no evidence that it would not work here.