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Here's what would happen , basically daily, with wkmac's idea of healthcare and no regulations at all :
Health News
US doctor, minister who promised herbal cancer cure to faithful arrested on fraud charges
Provided by: The Canadian Press
Written by: Greg Risling, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Oct. 8, 2009
LOS ANGELES - Prosecutors brought fraud charges Thursday against a doctor accused of promising terminally ill cancer patients in their darkest hours that they would be cured with an herbal treatment.
Using her influence as an ordained Pentecostal minister, Dr. Christine Daniel enticed people from across the nation to try her regimen. She even appeared on cable's Trinity Broadcasting Network in 2002 touting her cancer cure and its 60 per cent success rate, according to federal investigators.
Authorities arrested Daniel, 55, at her San Fernando Valley home Thursday and charged her with two counts each of wire and mail fraud. If convicted, she faces up to 80 years in prison.
In court documents, authorities contend Daniel took advantage of patients who desperately sought alternative measures after enduring draining rounds of chemotherapy and radiation.
In all, federal prosecutors said Daniel siphoned about $1.1 million from 55 families between 2001 and 2004. Six patients ranging in age from 4 to 69 died within seven months after seeing Daniel.
"This is an example of a doctor who is preying upon the most vulnerable people in our society," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Johns. "These patients were told they were being cured, but they were being eaten alive by cancer."
And here's Klein's
(NaturalNews) One of the key researchers involved in the clinical trials for both Gardasil and Cevarix cervical cancer vaccines has gone public with warnings about their safety and effectiveness. This highly unusual warning against these vaccines by one of Big Pharma's own researchers surfaced in an exclusive interview with the Sunday Express in the UK over the last few days. There, Dr. Diane Harper openly admitted the vaccine doesn't even prevent cervical cancer, stating, "[The vaccine] will not decrease cervical cancer rates at all."
Fortunately, the Sunday Express story was cached outside of the Sunday Express website because they pulled it down. Hmmm, wonder who got that done?
Even CBS covered this story as well. How many other drugs have hit the market only to be revealed later (after the gov't and FDA gave them their blessing) did we learn the tragic truths of this great advances in State sanctioned healthcraft. How is that really any different than the snakeoil salesman who conned us with his firewater? At least with the snakeoil salesman they stand alone and there's no sidepartner in gov't who tells us it's OK because we've tested it and it checks out!
As to the story posted above by Klein, there are alternative therapies that show some promise and enough to even gain the attention of traditional orthodox medicine but at the same time, if the above was a fraud then why wasn't Trinity Broadcasting made to answer as well is they were found to be promoting this idea. Hiding behind Freedom of Religion?
From the story, sounds like the afflicted took this potion and then called some prayer line as if this act of prayer was a part of the actual theraphy. Sorry, but warning signs are all over the place for me when it comes to this approach. I'll admit my own anti-religious bias as on a good day I'm a Deist but otherwise hold a toe in the water towards atheism so Trinity Broadcasting is not on my "must watch" list and I'd question to be quite honest people who spend a lot of time watching it but then these are the same people you find doing this.
Amazing how this kickarse song works with the video!

When you actually look closer at this story, you do discover that an act of religious faith is as much a part of the theraphy as the so-called medicine is.
Some of her patients were drawn to her from her appearance on TBN's "Praise the Lord." Daniel told viewers she collected herbs from around the world, and, when they were combined with prayer, there was a good chance their cancer could be cured.
And from the same story we learn that maybe religion did play a much bigger part in this rather than any serious means of alternative medicine.
Using her influence as an ordained Pentecostal minister, Dr. Christine Daniel tapped into the vessel of faith to entice people from across the nation to try her regimen. She even appeared on cable's Trinity Broadcasting Network in 2002 touting her cancer cure and its 60 percent success rate, according to federal investigators.
source for the 2 above quotes
Just a side note on the terms good chance, having lost a mother-n-law to cancer, a father having had cancer, the doctors never tell you there's a 100% cure rate and they also use the term "good chance" so let's be honest in that even the orthodox methods are not 100% either. And none are without side effects that each person experiences in different levels.
But now I'll give a real true free market example that shows some promise and if you look it's only the tip of the iceberg. In 2006' this article discusses the real potential of a Vitamin C theraphy and consider this point in the article.
Vitamin C and cancer: Follow the money
Unfortunately, the mainstream closed the books on vitamin C cancer therapy when two studies conducted in the 1970s showed that the vitamin was ineffective in treating cancer. But both of those studies tested oral supplements of vitamin C. In recent years, researchers such as Dr. Riordan and Dr. Levine have demonstrated that the difference between oral C and intravenous C is huge.
In the Inquirer article, Dr. Levine makes it clear that he's not trying to prove to the world that IAA will revolutionise the treatment of cancer - he's simply interested in putting IAA to the test. He says, 'The goal is: Find what's true.'
Simple enough, right? But he also notes that there's 'tremendous resistance' to mount significant clinical trials. Part of the resistance stems from the antioxidant issue mentioned above. But what Dr.
Levine does not address is the powerful influence of the profit motive. Drug companies and oncologists will not be able to reap much in the way of profits from an IAA breakthrough. On the contrary, they're more likely to lose a huge source of profits. So with cash cows in jeopardy, the mainstream has little interest in devoting millions of pounds to mount the necessary research.
'Information is diamonds.' That's how Dr. Levine characterises the importance of emerging case studies and other research that will hopefully spur major IAA research. And according to the Inquirer there is hope. Private funding will underwrite an upcoming University of Kansas trial that will test IAA on 30 patients with ovarian cancer. McGill University is also mounting an IAA trial with private funding.
Follow the money! What a marvelous idea.
And what else is amazing is that you stated that the article I posted entitled, "Localized Healthcare" was (to quote you)
Good article ! Totally makes sense.
Did you not understand the author was calling not only for local control but a construct outside a massive central state? Example? How about his idea of guilds (remember co-ops)? He even advocated midwives which I'm very high on as we had our kids at home using one. Oddly enough, we saw our midwife recently and when my 12 year old son was born, she charged $1k for the whole thing including pre-natal, delivery and post natal and now her price is $1300 so in 12 years she's gone up in price 30%. What has traditional medicine done in the area of price in that same timespan? Homebirth is not for everyone, I understand that and I thought my wife nuts when she first suggested it but it is an alternative that is often stamped out by the state (it was illegal when we did it) not because of risk but because of the very points made in the Localized Healthcare or the Vitamin C cancer treatment article. Follow the money!
BTW Klein: How do you justify your position above and yet in another forum you poo-pood the idea of the H1N1 vaccine being promoted by the same statist system you now defend?
But then if you are unable to even understand the true definition of ἀναρχία and to then understand how that is completely different from a society of civil in-fighting between groups using tyranny to obtain control for the own position as ruler (position of statecraft). The goal of the action itself is the complete opposite of ἀναρχία but then I don't expect you to get that either!