Gov healthcare


Well-Known Member
An interview on the US health care crisis with Dr. Mary Ruwart, Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D. is a former pharmaceutical research scientist and Assistant Professor of Surgery. She has worked extensively with the disadvantaged in low-income housing and was a contender for the 1992 Libertarian Party Vice-Presidential nomination. Her scientific, political, and community activities have been profiled in several prestigious biographical works, including American Men and Women of Sciences, World's Who's Who of Women, International Leaders in Achievement, and Community Leaders of America.


Staff member
The real deficit hawks

Critics decry the healthcare bill as fiscally irresponsible. Where's the outrage over the defense budget?

By David Sirota

Nov. 14, 2009 |
Let's say you're a congressperson or "tea party" leader looking to champion deficit reduction -- a cause 38 percent of Americans tell pollsters they support. And let's say you're deciding whether to back two pieces of imminent legislation.

According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the first bill's spending provisions cost $100 billion annually and its tax and budget-cutting provisions recoup $111 billion annually, thus reducing total federal expenditures by $11 billion each year. The second bill proposes $636 billion in annual spending and recoups nothing. Over 10 years, the first bill would spend $1 trillion and recover $1.11 trillion -- a fantastic return on taxpayer investment. Meanwhile, the second bill puts us on a path to spend $6.3 trillion in the same time.

Save $110 billion, or spend $6.3 trillion? If you're explicitly claiming the mantle of fiscal prudence, this should be a no-brainer: You support the first bill and oppose the second one.

Yet, in recent months, the opposite happened.

When the House considered a healthcare expansion proposal that the CBO says will reduce the deficit by $11 billion a year, tea party protesters and Congress' self-described "fiscal conservatives" opposed it on cost grounds. At the same time, almost none of them objected when Congress passed a White House-backed bill to spend $636 billion on defense in 2010.

The hypocrisy is stunning -- lots of "budget hawk" complaints about health legislation reducing the deficit and few ”budget hawk” complaints about defense initiatives that, according to Government Executive magazine, "puts the president on track to spend more on defense, in real dollars, than any other president has in one term of office since World War II." And that estimate doesn't even count additional spending on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

So, as Bob Dole might ask, where's the public outrage at the contradiction? It's nowhere. Well, why not?

One clear answer is values -- or lack thereof. In our militaristic culture, we are taught to prioritize Pentagon spending over everything else.

Another less obvious answer is ignorance sown by skewed reporting.

The health bill's expenditures are typically described by reporters in 10-year, $1 trillion terms while defense spending is described -- if at all -- as a one-year, $636 billion outlay. That can lead citizens to think the healthcare bill will cost more than defense -- when, in fact, the 10-year comparison pits a $1 trillion healthcare bill against $6.3 trillion in projected defense spending.

But even that's not apples to apples. Political headlines of late have all been some version of Dow Jones newswire's recent screamer: "CBO Puts Health Bill Cost At $1 Trillion." That's as true as an Enron press release touting only one side of the company's ledger. Though the bill's expenditures do total $1 trillion, the CBO confirms its other provisions recover more than that, meaning headlines should read "CBO Says Health Bill Saves $110 Billion."

Not surprisingly, the media distortions are being trumpeted by the same congressional hypocrites simultaneously backing bigger Pentagon budgets and opposing health reform. Their dishonest arguments were summed up by Sen. Joe Lieberman in a Fox News interview last week. Ignoring CBO data about the health bill and the deficit, the Connecticut lawmaker (who voted for the bloated defense bill) insisted health legislation must be stopped because it will rack up "debt (that) can break America."

Only professional liars could cite concern about debt as reason to oppose a healthcare bill reducing the debt -- and then vote for debt-expanding defense budgets. Unfortunately, professional liars are the norm in today's politics, not the exception -- and they're leading America off the fiscal cliff.

© 2009

-- By David Sirota


This one is for mostly for Brett !

H1N1 comparison Canada-USA !

2 min newscast :

Just like in Hockey, we kick butt..LOL

But yes, go ahead, blame it on Obama. Poor fellow.

Your link is nothing but fluff.
Could you post the total number of swine flu deaths prior to the onset of vaccinations so we could get a better idea of how many deaths your government thinks is acceptable.

This may give us a better idea of what its like to be subject to government run health care.


There ya go, solution solved :
Force Americans to eat less, excerise more, and stop smoking.
Maybe give everyone UPS driver's training, too. Less accidents will also lower costs.
But, darn insurance companies would just take in those excess profits, or atleast most of them.

I read your response and I'm sitting here wondering if you even clicked on wkmacs link.


The roiling debate over health care in the United States appears to have made Canadians feel even better about their own system.
In 2005, 71 per cent of Canadians said they would get better care here in case of serious illness. That pecentage has now grown to 77 per cent.

Full story here:

Obama love-in has little impact on how Canadians view Americans, poll finds

while over 80 percent of americans are happy with their health care system.

The question that needs to be asked on your canadian polls is are canadians happy they can go to the united states to get life saving surgery.


Für Meno :)
Your link is nothing but fluff.
Could you post the total number of swine flu deaths prior to the onset of vaccinations so we could get a better idea of how many deaths your government thinks is acceptable.

This may give us a better idea of what its like to be subject to government run health care.

Why do you have the need to provoke me, and kick yourself in the butt at the same time ?
First of all, ofcourse no deaths are acceptable to anyone, but happens every year, even with the seasonal flu.
Secondly, even at this early stage, we have had less death per capita then south of us.
And lastly, that difference will just grow from here on. Since you don't have enough to vaccinate everyone that wants it or even needs it.
Maybe it might even become a cost factor for some ? Not sure if it's free for everyone in America ?

Lets wait a few months, and see the final results.

Besides, you did say you lived in Germany.
So, you did get a small taste of how government run healthcare works.

How can over 80% of Americans be happy with thier healthcare, if almost 30% don't even have it, or can't afford it ?
And, add the underinsured to that number, too.
Gee, why would it even be a political issue there ?

PS: I did click on wkmacs link.
I know what the Libertarian Party ia all about.
It's not my taste of politics.
Can't care less what he said about our healthcare system, because is all just political probaganda.
Same as your insurance sponsered commercials against our System.

I can't care less, anymore.
Actually, I hope your bill doesn't pass the senate.
Let, it be your freemarket (insurance, pharma, and doctors), dictate the cost of your healthcare.
Sooner or later, it will fall on it's own.

At this rate, and with the babyboomers retiring.. in 10 years.. 25% of your GDP will be healthcare costs... 20 years..30%.
See, what that does to your economy.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member

"That Chain E-mail Your Friend Sent to You Is (Likely) Bogus. Seriously."

a conservative blogger who issued his instant and mostly mistaken analyses as brief "tweets" sent via Twitter as he was paging through the 1,017-page bill. The claims have been embraced as true and posted on hundreds of Web sites, and forwarded in the form of chain e-mails countless times. But there’s hardly any truth in them. We’ll go through each of the claims in this message:


Well-Known Member

"That Chain E-mail Your Friend Sent to You Is (Likely) Bogus. Seriously."

a conservative blogger who issued his instant and mostly mistaken analyses as brief "tweets" sent via Twitter as he was paging through the 1,017-page bill. The claims have been embraced as true and posted on hundreds of Web sites, and forwarded in the form of chain e-mails countless times. But there’s hardly any truth in them. We’ll go through each of the claims in this message:

I have a solution for those type emails. Piss off or offend everyone when it comes to politics and I'm living proof, this method will stop any and all spam related political emails!


Best solution is when you see the term "FW" in the title, type in the following letters DELETE and then hit enter!
Works every time or you can go to snoops (this works real well too) find the urban legend behind the email and then hit reply all and post the link. Won't take long for your name to come of that email list, usually by the 2nd time, you're toast!



Why do you have the need to provoke me, and kick yourself in the butt at the same time ?
First of all, ofcourse no deaths are acceptable to anyone, but happens every year, even with the seasonal flu.

Your the one that keeps telling us how superior canada is.

Your the one that keeps telling us that your government provided health care system is so much better then ours.

why then do you get miffed when I ask you to back up your half cocked comments.

Your government provided health care system decided they could wait an extra month to roll out their swine flu vaccine knowing that there would be canadians dying from that same flu.

Therefore the natural question is how many people did your government let die by waiting the extra month.

if you don't like the questions then stop preaching to us.


Für Meno :)
Your the one that keeps telling us how superior canada is.

Your the one that keeps telling us that your government provided health care system is so much better then ours.

why then do you get miffed when I ask you to back up your half cocked comments.

Your government provided health care system decided they could wait an extra month to roll out their swine flu vaccine knowing that there would be canadians dying from that same flu.

Therefore the natural question is how many people did your government let die by waiting the extra month.

if you don't like the questions then stop preaching to us.

Want details ?
Here are a few :
We decided for an updated version of the Vaccine (that only requires 1 shot, and if the virus should happen to adapt another strain to it, we are protected for those fluctuations.

Secondly: We vaccinated more people per capita then any other country on the planet !
No need to remind you, we have the largest country on earth, with a population of just over 2 people for every sq mile.

We did well and are doing well, compared with the rest of the world.

Like I said... should have kept your mouth shut, and I would have done the same.
I don't care anymore.
I wanna see how much longer your private healthcare will last before it becomes unaffordable and fails on it's own.
Therefor, I'm hoping, the new bill will not pass in the Senate.


Well-Known Member
Just my take on health care issues: Canadian and US

In conversing with a Canadian friend over the proposed health care reform in the US, she advised me her son saw a doctor in February, he was referred to a surgeon, whose first available appointment was in October, the surgeon has now scheduled his surgery for May, 2010.

I also asked why vehicles with Canadian license plates are seen in US border cities, and she told me they can get health care quicker in the US, at their own expense.

I am not being argumentative, but I do like having the my choice of physicians, which I work off the list provided by my healthcare insurance, and once researched, I will use a preferred physican to get negotiated rates, to minimize out of pocket expense for me. Which are very minimal, less than $50.

I do not want the US goverment managing healthcare in the US, as they have already demonstrated they cannot control fraud and waste in Medicare or Medicaid. And now the statement that they will reduce watse and fraud, as part of health care reform, why haven't they been doing that all along? That in itself may have kept some costs from skyrocketing.

Not sure what the answers are, but as with anything rolled out in Washington,
the clear facts of how the reform will impact the citizens of this country, is buried somewhere in a bill that has about 2,000 pages. And we are asked to trust our elected officials to do right by their constituents, when they themselves, can't fully explain how the new reform will be funded.

I had the opportunity to be on a conference call with my Congressworman, and knew she was speaking from talking points, not necessarily what is in the bill. As she stated she herself had not read the proposed bill line by line.

The pressure by the current adminstration to pass this bill, feels like the reform will be shoved down our throats, as our elected officials are more concerned with their political party affiliation, then listening to the people who elected them into office.



Für Meno :)
I also asked why vehicles with Canadian license plates are seen in US border cities, and she told me they can get health care quicker in the US, at their own expense.

Do me a favour next time you're in a boarder city.
Check out 2 things for me :
The parking lots at medical clinics, and the parking lots at shopping malls.
Then report back to me, where you seen the Canadian Licence Plates.

I'm leaving on Wednesday to the US.
Besides presents, and just some neccesary clothing (like a winter jacket and gloves to get back).
My suitcases will be empty.

I'm shopping there big time, with the great exchange rate !


Want details ?
Here are a few :
We decided for an updated version of the Vaccine (that only requires 1 shot, and if the virus should happen to adapt another strain to it, we are protected for those fluctuations.

Secondly: We vaccinated more people per capita then any other country on the planet !
No need to remind you, we have the largest country on earth, with a population of just over 2 people for every sq mile.

We did well and are doing well, compared with the rest of the world.

Like I said... should have kept your mouth shut, and I would have done the same.
I don't care anymore.
I wanna see how much longer your private healthcare will last before it becomes unaffordable and fails on it's own.
Therefor, I'm hoping, the new bill will not pass in the Senate.

Klein its a real simple question I don't know why you're struggling with it.

How many canadians died because you're country decided they could wait an extra month for the vaccine.

A follow up question. You state 70 percent of all canadians are happy with their health care. Is there a poll that shows what percent of those canadians that died waiting for the flu vaccine are happy with their health care? My guess would be the number is somewhere around zero.


Staff member
Around here the only people who can get vaccinated are pregnant women and children under 6 mos, and they have to wait in line for 2-3 hours unless they get there the night before and camp out.



161 people have died so far by canada conciously deciding to wait a whole month before they started vaccines.

Just think about who's dying from this flu. Pregnant women and kids. 161 of them died because your government decided to wait a month.

Now add in the ones that die in November since they could have been vacinated in october.

Yet here you are the socialist guru trying to tell us that government run health care is the way to go.


Für Meno :)
161 people have died so far by canada conciously deciding to wait a whole month before they started vaccines.

Just think about who's dying from this flu. Pregnant women and kids. 161 of them died because your government decided to wait a month.

Now add in the ones that die in November since they could have been vacinated in october.

Yet here you are the socialist guru trying to tell us that government run health care is the way to go.

Yup, and thats if all 161 would have taken it.
I doubt, even now, that 100% of the population will.

And, like I said previous Tie.
Keep your worlds most expensive healthcare.
As long as your employer and government can afford it !


Those pregnant women and kids are the ones bleeding us dry.They are the scourge of the nation,Its step one towards the final solution.:wink2: