Für Meno :)
What I find funny is Klein accused me of "leaving stuff out" but yet his very copy and paste from the Fraser Institute came thanks to my link buried at the video under "about Dr. Skinner". In other words Klein used my direct link and easily found this information. I guess he does think everyone else here to be morons and incapable of thought and inability to use a computer.
And I thought I was the only one who felt that way!
but with tongue firmly in cheek!
As I said in the beginning, draw your own conclusion!
Did you hear Klein got a job? Yeah, something about using addition and grains of sand!
Gee, you read soo much... and post soo much for us to read...
But, yet , couldn't read how I responded ?????
Wkmac left this out, in his posting earlier.
That the fraser institute is another Liberty movement.
(it all sounds good, but it just doesn't work, because of individual greed).
Thanks to the link he sent, this is thier goals :
And yes, it's important to know where the information comes from, and what goals that site has.