Yup, and thats if all 161 would have taken it.
Well we know they didnt take the survey saying they were happy with their health care since they are dead but that did not stop you from using those results.

Yup, and thats if all 161 would have taken it.
Well we know they didnt take the survey saying they were happy with their health care since they are dead but that did not stop you from using those results.![]()
Do me a favour next time you're in a boarder city.
Check out 2 things for me :
The parking lots at medical clinics, and the parking lots at shopping malls.
Then report back to me, where you seen the Canadian Licence Plates.
I'm leaving on Wednesday to the US.
Besides presents, and just some neccesary clothing (like a winter jacket and gloves to get back).
My suitcases will be empty.
I'm shopping there big time, with the great exchange rate !
And whats the holdup over on that side ?????? :
By Chinta Puxley, The Canadian Press
Monday, Nov 16, 2009
WINNIPEG - The country's chief public health officer says Canada is leading the world when it comes to the percentage of its citizens vaccinated against the swine flu.
Dr. David Butler-Jones says about 20 per cent of the population has received the H1N1 shot in the last three weeks. Canada has about 33 million people.
"That's just unheard of," he said in an interview while he was attending an international conference on HIV/AIDS in Winnipeg on Monday. "Already we've immunized more people than anybody else in the world as a percentage of our population."
Wkmac, I won't waste my time.
It's not the first time you shown these to Libertarian people.
I do know what the Liberty Party stands for.
Thanks to you, actually.
His name should be principle Skinner.![]()
The last thing I want to do is shake up your small. narrow world! Most here will agree the head covering fits you although the product name may not be your exact brand!
Let me also add this. Until now I never remarked, commented or otherwise on not only the Canadian Healthcare System or anything Canada. I don't live there, I have no interest there, it quite frankly is none of my concern or business. I don't come into your home telling you how to clean, what to eat or dictate the colors of curtains and paint on the walls. Equally, I don't nor desire to do the same for people in other neighborhoods, other towns, state or even countries. Why do I want to be a ruler over others when I seek a voluntaryist society where "NO RULERS" just free individuals would exist?
A"GOVERNMENT " Task force reported today that women between 40 and fifty should NOT get mammograms???
The American CANCER society stongly opposes this recommendation stating that with the rise in Breast Cancer and the number of Women being diagnosed early --including women between 40 and 50 ---waiting ten years makes no sense . Lets see the government will eventually let a woman get a Cancer check at 39 ---but when she reaches forty --NO ???
Of course this has NOTHING to do with LIFE and DEATH issues --WHO said Death Panels ????
Health Care Reform has not been passed yet --but the government is laying the groundwork on what some of the realities will be.
Of course I will be attacked for this post ----but this is exactly what is in our NEWS reports this morning !!!
p.s. I did not get this from fox news ----I was surprised that it was on what I would consider a "Liberal" network ---Maybe an awakening is taking place !!
Well, you have posted Dr Skinner before, and Canadian Healthcare.
So, I disagreee with your above statement.
But, if it makes you happy, I'll watch it.
I do know what he stands for, because of previous postings by you.
Again, not trying to rule your healthcare anymore or make any suggestions how to run anything.
Said that weeks ago.
But, atleast let me defend ours.
I just point out what may happen, or history that can't be changed.
Which was probably a mistake of mine to do , too.
Without my interference on here, most of Canada would be totally ill, and waiting for Doctors and hospital beds.
And half the population dies every year.
Now, that would have been funny to read.
Without my interference on here, most of Canada would be totally ill, and waiting for Doctors and hospital beds.
And half the population dies every year.
I did watch the video though.
My thoughts about it, you probably don't want to know.
Because, I can point things out that wasn't said.
Only giving the truth of certain things, and hiding the rest, isn't a good argument.
thats been my point about your presentation here.![]()
Well, okay, fair.
But, I always did say we pay higher taxes here.
Wkmac left this out, in his posting earlier.
That the fraser institute is another Liberty movement.
(it all sounds good, but it just doesn't work, because of individual greed).
Thanks to the link he sent, this is thier goals :
Who We Are
Demonstrating the benefits of sound economics
We are an independent international research and educational organization with offices in Canada and the United States and active research ties with similar independent organizations in more than 70 countries around the world.
Our Philosophy
Throughout our exploration of issues that affect citizens, we attempt to discuss complex economic subjects in a manner that can be easily understood by everyone.
Ideas that Improve People's Quality of Life
In raising the level of understanding about the effects of economics and public policy, the Institute's ideas contribute directly to improving the quality of life for people of all ages and income levels. People should have choices as opposed to government telling them what to do.
What is Public Policy?
Public policy includes debate, recommendations, laws, and regulations relating to any course of action that may be undertaken by a level of government, and that affects the public.
Analyzing the Consequences
Our researchers analyze the likely consequences of public policies and ask: based on the results of research, what should the public policy be? Is there a more effective solution to the issues and problems people face other than looking to government as the answer?
Support Greater Choice and Personal Responsibility
The Fraser Institute is a registered non-profit organization. We depend entirely on donations from people who understand the importance of impartial research and who support greater choice, less government intervention, and more personal responsibility.
This has a back door look to it. Questioning the motives of the person writing the book?
Why not address his concerns and criticisms?
Because it's not worth it.
thats the problem Klein. Your perfect health care system has not been copied by anyone else.
Your citizens are leaving your country to get health care in the US they can not get elsewhere.
Meanwhile you keep sticking your head in the sand.
You have no credibility on this subject until you're willing to honestly discuss the pro's and con's of your system.