Für Meno :)
I suppose that it was to much to ask for an answer to my questions.
Interesting so your claim now is that if 250000 doctors stopped practicing medicine that 200 a year coming from Canada is somehow a good thing? Very strange indeed.
Why will they quit ? Because of decrease of income, I assume ?
In the real world if demand remains constant and you decrease supply it has a relationship to price. Can I get a guess as to what that relationship may be? In a Country like yours the government uses it's force to limit demand by creating long waits for the services your people need. A better system would be a free market. If you must have government involved you could demand that they limit barriers to the market.
Then it should be easy to get healthcare costs down. Educate and train more doctors, but that again, will lead to many quitting, because of lack of income ? With every doctor being able to see a patient in a couple of hours, it could go down just to walk in and get served immediatly. There would be empty waiting rooms for patients to come in, and incourage everyone to come back for a re-check. Or they could simply go out of business.
What I can say for the US is that a "wait time" here is a couple hours not several months. This is a primary reason that we have vastly superior health care.
Wait time to see a GP here, is no different then in the US. Emergency Care is also just like the US.
Where the difference lies, is a waiting time for non-emergency surgeries, or MRI's, and pre-care diagnoses (seeing a specialist, when it's non urgent or just routine special check-up).
If the goal of our government was to reduce the costs for health care which it is not they would be looking for ways to reduce the fixed costs to provide the services (think tort reform), increase competition (think selling insurance across lines), decrease demand( think taxing health insurance), does this mean you want more americans without health insurance ?
and increase supply(think something along the lines of allowing a PA to set up minor medical shops on their own).
If you watched the above video, from our healthcare providers, will that solution of yours bring down administration costs to 1.3 cents per healthcare dollar like us, or will you still spend over 30 cents per dollar on it ?
And what will it take to bring pharma costs down, to atleast our prices ?
Sounds to me like the republican plans that have been blocked by the Dims. Meanwhile the dims want to increase taxes, provide penalties to people who have adequate insurance, and provide more barriers to the markets while driving out current providers. Sounds stupid to me kinda like your system.
Last night, for the fun of it I googled "healthcare crises", then to make it even more interessting, I narrowed my search to Canada websites only. I couldn't come accross 1 single website, saying we have a healthcare crises here. Couldn't even find a European one.
They were all about America.
So, you have a crises ! Not us, or hardly anyone else for that matter !
I came accross some statatics, too. 1 out of every 6 US dollars in spent on healthcare. If nothing is done in 30 years, it will be 1 out of 3 dollars. But, ofcourse thats unrealistic, because no way will that kind of money be there to pay for it.
The average cost for an employer is $1155.00 per month per employee for Healthcare Insurance. Which should raise to $1500.00 within only a few years.
And, yet you wonder why no new jobs ???????
You should really watch that above cdn video again. I'm like the 3rd person that speaks in it.
He truely represents my opinion.
I don't give a damm. It only hurts yourselfs.
PS: Almost every other country on this planet sees healthcare as a right.
In the US, it's a previledge. But, thats the good ole' american way. You can keep it, too.