I think that all the socialist left wingers who love big goverment to take care of them should move to Canada and hang out with Klein...and all the hardworking people who want limited goverment, less taxes, and great healthcare should come to America. Also, all who go to Canada can even take Obama as a parting gift.
Just remember who started this Recession!
Bush and the conservatives !
Let banks, wall street, do anything they wanted. Like selling homes to the unemployed, or Mac D workers. People that couldn't afford them in the first place.
The Canadian banks on the other hand, stayed solid, and set an example to the world. No housing crunch here, either.
If you haven't seen how the private sector really works.... what about AIG? Needed billions in bail out, and yet handed the CEO and excusitives millions of bonuses. More then Obama earns, well, so does Scott Davis.
Then we all bitch when gas prices go up on the pump.... and every gas station the same hr, if not the same minute.
Nice private sector there , too.
I'm from an oil province, (Texas north), and maybe even the Texans might agree with me on this one :
That the state bulids and owns it's very own refinerie, and competes with the private firms, such as Exxon, Shell, etc.
One thing forsure, we wouldn't see them raising prices simutaniosly, as the others do.
Give them a run for the money, and every profit made, goes back to the citizens of Texas. (oil companies do make huge profit).
In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with regulations that protect the consumer and the countries economy.
You may consider that of "taken care of", but privately owned companies, are just out there to make a buck, and if they could, they wouldn't even have the safety or enviromental issues adressed, without government ordering them it's a MUST.
Maybe it's just fluke, but it sure is odd, that the socialist countries, esspecially Norway, Sweden, Finnland are getting richer, while the US has been getting poorer since Clinton left office ? Even Canada caught up big time. (however, I don't call Canada being socialist), we are far behind from Europeans in that matter.
Your rich UPS pension plans for example, are totally unheard of here. OK, thats private..... but in a way very social for companies to do so there.
Another example is GM and Chrysler. Why did they declare bankruptcy in the US and not in Canada ?
Your answer : Because we are too social, eh ?
The US bails out companies and banks, but thats not being social. Only social if you bail out the people (workers and/or consumers) that got effected by those companies, right ?
Btw: 1 out of 20 people is American citizen living in Alberta. We don't really need anymore, right now.
1 out of 10 in Calgary, alone. (over 100.000). The largest american populated city, outside the US.
So, to Tie: Who again is fleeing the country ?