I'll give you one thing you are entertaining if nothing else.
First you make the false claim that there were no articles on the health care crisis in Canada.
Second you made the false claim that there were no articles on the health care crisis in Canada written by Canadians.
Third you make a weak emotional argument filled with falsehoods supporting your horrible health care system.
I gave you an article written by a Canadian based on emotional arguments exposing your pitiful health care system for the sham that it is.
Now your argument is that the only way you can really know is to talk to a Canadian in person? Very funny!!!!
Believe what you want. I'm not here to educate you.
If you think millions of us are dying , because of long waiting times. So be it. And another few millions enter the USA for healthcare treatment, thats fine, too.
I sure like the one that where we wait 5 days in the ER waiting rooms, to get treatment, esspecially how bad it stinks, because people haven't been able to shower or in any form be hygenic for those 5 days waiting. Thats the very best I heard.
But, believe it or not.
I don't care.
So, you're right in your own belief, how horrible our heathcare system is.
Canada is just a poor country, we can't afford better health services. But, our darn dollar keeps rising and rising against every major currency on the planet
Now take your horrible findings to the UN , so Canada will be rated much further down the list of quailty of healthcare.
We should be atleast futher down on the list then the USA... so we got to move atleast another 8 spots down.
But, I'm just a silly optimist, saying we will move probably 2 spots up, silly me.
BTW: Why is America only on 7th spot of the Winter paralympics in the Vancouver Medal Standings currently ?
You have 10 times the population, whats happening ?
Or is it, because they can't work, they get less healthcare and healthcare services ? Less bennies ?
To be honest, I actually hope Obama's bill doesn't pass.
And the republicans will need to find a solution later, (or leave it alone), until the fan hits the belt !
Then it would get really interessting to see you all scramble down there.