Greg Kerwoods Contract Review


That's not what I said or implied Pal and I resent that implication.

I said "divorce yourself from the notion that they owe you anything further" after you retire.

I am a proud member of the Retired Teamsters Club at my local.


Can I just say that's it beyond pathetic that this guy is blaming Greg after months and months of talk about how the Teamsters are going to crush this company if they don't meet our demands. Think long and hard if you really want to say that the almighty IBT was undone by a couple of meddling YouTubers.


Pee Bottle

Well-Known Member
The very fact that the union is all in on the contract makes me suspicious of it even more. I do not trust any authority on any matter. I’m still probably a yes voter.


My Senior Picture
Can I just say that's it beyond pathetic that this guy is blaming Greg after months and months of talk about how the Teamsters are going to crush this company if they don't meet our demands. Think long and hard if you really want to say that the almighty IBT was undone by a couple of meddling YouTubers.

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Was Greg really standing with Local 25, pushing this contract proposal like this guys says?

I am going to assume he was and changed his mind this week, because I have asked numerous times and nobody seems to want to answer the question.

In the end, he isn't asserting that Greg is derailing the vote, rather saying to stay the course, vote yes and use the momentum to get the rest in 2028.

After all Greg himself said this is the best contract in 30 years.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Can I just say that's it beyond pathetic that this guy is blaming Greg after months and months of talk about how the Teamsters are going to crush this company if they don't meet our demands. Think long and hard if you really want to say that the almighty IBT was undone by a couple of meddling YouTubers.

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And yet he is on board with a deal so bad he is "gearing up" for battle in 2028? It must be bad or else there is no need to "gear up".


Well-Known Member
Can I just say that's it beyond pathetic that this guy is blaming Greg after months and months of talk about how the Teamsters are going to crush this company if they don't meet our demands. Think long and hard if you really want to say that the almighty IBT was undone by a couple of meddling YouTubers.

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Was Greg really standing with Local 25, pushing this contract proposal like this guys says?

I am going to assume he was and changed his mind this week, because I have asked numerous times and nobody seems to want to answer the question.

In the end, he isn't asserting that Greg is derailing the vote, rather saying to stay the course, vote yes and use the momentum to get the rest in 2028.

After all Greg himself said this is the best contract in 30 years.

No he was never pushing anything. I talk to him all the time. He was holding his personal opinion to himself though until this week. A lot of what that guy was saying in his post is false. I mean why would you post something like that anyways? Why would you not call the person instead?


My Senior Picture
And yet he is on board with a deal so bad he is "gearing up" for battle in 2028? It must be bad or else there is no need to "gear up".
Greg said it himself, it's very difficult to get back previous concessions. why would we think we could reverse 20+ years in one five year contract.

Wake up Wally and stop trying to get it all back in one bite.


My Senior Picture
No he was never pushing anything. I talk to him all the time. He was holding his personal opinion to himself though until this week. A lot of what that guy was saying in his post is false. I mean why would you post something like that anyways? Why would you not call the person instead?
I would think if it were true, those closer than someone in Georgia would likely know?

....but okay, fair enough.

Thanks for answering, finally.


Well-Known Member
Did us west coasters really need one after getting 4 straight years of bonuses…pretty much received a free year.
Lol, no offense brother but if you want to find a way to support your principal officer then yes we should get less then everyone else because we are doing well. There is a reason I call him the razzle dazzle man. Its because his members some how seem to forget he supported the last contract while supporting OZ in the election and damning the last contract. Now some now it's OK that his region is getting less then everyone else.



My Senior Picture
Lol, no offense brother but if you want to find a way to support your principal officer then yes we should get less then everyone else because we are doing well. There is a reason I call him the razzle dazzle man. Its because his members some how seem to forget he supported the last contract while supporting OZ in the election and damning the last contract. Now some now it's OK that his region is getting less then everyone else.

Wait a minute, all we hear is how the west gets more?

Now you claim to be getting less, while we are all asked to vote a National Master as if we are all voting for the same criteria.


Well-Known Member
Lol, no offense brother but if you want to find a way to support your principal officer then yes we should get less then everyone else because we are doing well. There is a reason I call him the razzle dazzle man. Its because his members some how seem to forget he supported the last contract while supporting OZ in the election and damning the last contract. Now some now it's OK that his region is getting less then everyone else.


My comment was a little tongue in cheek brother. I don’t agree with the amount of money going into the pension this time and either do many of my coworkers that I’ve talked with. Keeping the wcp fully funded and healthy should be our top priority. And just for the record not everyone falls in line with what our guy says or does. I’m probably a NO on this whole thing unless we get some changes and the pension would be one of those things.
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Well-Known Member
Anyone that's part of central region and has an opinion on this can take that :censored2: somewhere else. You got the full package of the national agreement but some how want to tell everyone else that they are complaining about nothing.

It comes down to simple math. My pension contributions were diverted to all teamsters while others received the same wage increases along with the normal pension increase.

Yet some people want to talk about "NATIONAL MASTER" like it should be the same for all yet don't condem their political party when it's not.

Now I see why we have supplemental contracts because of shady politics. Wait look at this hand while I take something from the other hand!


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute, all we hear is how the west gets more?

Now you claim to be getting less, while we are all asked to vote a National Master as if we are all voting for the same criteria.
We are getting less. Because our pension is in the green zone we are getting less than regions that are not. Is new England getting less than. $7.50 in the life of the contract? Isn't that where my pension contributions went? That's what Sean and Mark told me? Are they liars?


My Senior Picture
Anyone that's part of central region and has an opinion on this can take that :censored2: somewhere else. You got the full package of the national agreement but some how want to tell everyone else that they are complaining about nothing.

It comes down to simple math. My pension contributions were diverted to all teamsters while others received the same wage increases along with the normal pension increase.

Yet some people want to talk about "NATIONAL MASTER" like it should be the same for all yet don't condem their political party when it's not.

Now I see why we have supplemental contracts because of shady politics. Wait look at this hand while I take something from the other hand!
How many of the attendees of the "Two Man Meeting" from the west stood up against this proposal?

....and while we are at it, how many from the west were on the National Negotiating Committee?


My Senior Picture
We are getting less. Because our pension is in the green zone we are getting less than regions that are not. Is new England getting less than. $7.50 in the life of the contract? Isn't that where my pension contributions went? That's what Sean and Mark told me? Are they liars?
You consistently brag about your pension and its superior benefits, yet now claim you are getting less.

....that's my point.

If your pension fund needed additional funding, why didn't your guys from the west stand up at the table or since?

All of this regional autonomy and carve outs make the notion of a National Master almost impossible to vote.

I support an even playing field and believe this proposal is championing that notion.

Let me let you in a little secret, your pension fund isn't healthier than the others due to superior management, it's as a result of not being effected as negatively by the the collapse of freight as the heartland of America was.


Well-Known Member
How many of the attendees of the "Two Man Meeting" from the west stood up against this proposal?

....and while we are at it, how many from the west were on the National Negotiating Committee?
I know my local wasn't at the national negotiation committee I also know at least 14 didn't show up to the 2 man committee. I also know just like every two man meeting it was a meeting to see who the top brass needed to remove.

Hmmm didn't the last two man meeting endorse the contract?

Come on bubble... 5 questions and then a "I WANT TO MAKE A MOTION TO ENDORSE THIS HISTORIC CONTRACT... THANK YOU SO MUCH SEAN FOR DOING A GREAT JOB.!" Oh and then what happen Sean attack anyone that questioned the pension move and or didn't endorse the contract. I'm assuming you were there or did you sit out so that you didn't have to take responsibility?

Say what you want bubble but the math is simple. If your local wasn't recieving the same as everyone else in the national you'd be up in arms because you'd have to answer for it but luckily this contract you're on the winning side so you can easily sell it.

My local went to learn the intent of all the language to best inform 542 members. They were suckered into a endorse or DIE scenario. Because yeah it was a coincidence that 89 sent this out days later.....


Well-Known Member
You consistently brag about your pension and its superior benefits, yet now claim you are getting less.

....that's my point.

If your pension fund needed additional funding, why didn't your guys from the west stand up at the table or since?
Why didn't they? Is it because they told me the same line as you that OZ wasn't coming for my pension and they had to back their master or pay the price?
All of this regional autonomy and carve outs make the notion of a National Master almost impossible to vote.
I support an even playing field and believe this proposal is championing that notion.
So just say it then. We took from others to make my members feel they get the same.
Let me let you in a little secret, your pension fund isn't healthier than the others due to superior management, it's as a result of not being effected as negatively by the the collapse of freight as the heartland of America was.
Thats true. But let me let you in on another secret. You're areas short sightedness of only organizing areas you knew(freight) and watching them die is what hurt you. You also ignored the PTers for some strange reason. You had all the possibilities as my area and any other but your people stuck to what they knew and it died. Real question. How many members has your local organized this year? Do you have an organizer on staff?