Ground taking over


Well-Known Member
All the old timers say express used to be way busier back in the days. They used to be out there 10-12 hours a day. I’m sure they’ll be fine
Maybe so but the old timers are making their way out. 10-20 year employees and new hires aren't going to work 10-12 hour days for express wages.


Well-Known Member
They do. They are still under the old model for Ground. Mostly 1 guy 1 truck operations, making scaling Ground up more difficult. Worker protections are stronger making Express layoffs harder. To pretend the laws are the same is just stupid.
I don't know about that... The contractors I know all have multiple routes. The guy I talked with last night is concerned because now his guys know their days are numbered . The announcement basically said the contractors will be compensated, in some way and offered employment at Express but their employees necessarily won't.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I don't know about that... The contractors I know all have multiple routes. The guy I talked with last night is concerned because now his guys know their days are numbered . The announcement basically said the contractors will be compensated, in some way and offered employment at Express but their employees necessarily won't.
If the package mix is anything like it is down here, Express will need to hire all the Ground guys it can.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Which cities? Express taking over a whole country should tell you everything you need to know.
Canada was the outlier for an international market operating a separate Ground division. My guess is this has as much to do with the corporate restructure as anything. They are putting all the international work under the air operation.


Well-Known Member
If the package mix is anything like it is down here, Express will need to hire all the Ground guys it can.
Oh they definitely will need to hire more drivers but those hired from ground contractors will start as new hires and won't retain any seniority. I was also told by a ops manager that any driver coming over from ground may very well have to start as a D3 and probably won't be hired on as permanent, initially.


Well-Known Member
Oh they definitely will need to hire more drivers but those hired from ground contractors will start as new hires and won't retain any seniority. I was also told by a ops manager that any driver coming over from ground may very well have to start as a D3 and probably won't be hired on as permanent, initially.
That’s not gonna happen.


Well-Known Member
Based on what is known to have occurred or currently ongoing it would appear that the final product will be this Rube Goldberg contraption where no two terminals and no two hubs are exactly alike. In fact you'll be lucky if they even resemble one another in one form or another.

If you work there ( and trust me, it won't be for long) you'll go in there at no set starting time, no clear idea of what you'll be doing that day, your actual pay rate per hour ( especially if you're working for a contractor ) or what time you'll get done that day.

If you survive the purge ( current layoff estimates run as high as 29,000) chances are you will not be happy with the new daily work experience or the money you're getting.

Now the die hards on here are still clinging to the hope that the company will suddenly reverse course, things will return to where they always were, when they wakeup it will have all been just a bad dream , only to realize that their brains had worked all night preparing the rest of the body for the shock of discovering that whatever pride there might have been found in working for Prime Weasel and Raj The Jackal is now suddenly nothing more than transitional employment. Just a place to get some cash while remaining determined to get to a better place.

And if you're retired and therefore one of those "legacy costs" that must be eliminated you might what to check to see what you could get cash wise out of your camper and fishing boat now rather than to have to settle for a "take it off your hands" price later.

Yes, I fully expect the usual snide remarks from the usual people to be posted immediately, but as long as the stock remains stuck in it's 50 day moving average and under revenue and margin pressure....none of you are safe.


Well-Known Member
Well, the fact that Canada went express tells us what we all know , Express is the better option. If it wasn’t they would have went contractors, no ?
The Canadian laws and people are the same as USA , contractors aren’t illegal, but people hate them.
Actually little easier there because healthcare is free.
We’ll see how this shakes out here
Like you said, healthcare is free in Canada. Does express have to pay anything out at all as far as healthcare costs for the employee in Canada?? I’m not even sure how it works up there, other they have nationalized healthcare like the rest of the first world countries.

I do know Fedex pays a fortune in healthcare costs in the US for express employees as our healthcare in this country is beyond jacked at this point. Probably the main reason why going to an all express workforce like Canada isn’t feasible in the US.


Well-Known Member
Like you said, healthcare is free in Canada. Does express have to pay anything out at all as far as healthcare costs for the employee in Canada?? I’m not even sure how it works up there, other they have nationalized healthcare like the rest of the first world countries.

I do know Fedex pays a fortune in healthcare costs in the US for express employees as our healthcare in this country is beyond jacked at this point. Probably the main reason why going to an all express workforce like Canada isn’t feasible in the US.
FedEx offers extended healthcare as part of our compensation package. Stuff like prescriptions, glasses, eye exams, pychologist, physio, etc.


Well-Known Member
Do you really think that FedEx is gonna get rid of the contractor model? How long have you been with express?
They did in Canada. Nobody in this board thought that FedEx would spend all that money to buy contractors out but here they are buying them out. This company is very unpredictable to say the least

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
It’s not like they had seniority at Ground.
What's mind-boggling is that so many non-union employees believe that they are entitled to the benefits that UNION employees bargained collectively for. Their mindset is absurd. Stand shoulder to shoulder with your fellow worker, take the blows that are required, and achieve those union-bloodied rights.

THEN complain about how you've been treated.


Well-Known Member
They did in Canada. Nobody in this board thought that FedEx would spend all that money to buy contractors out but here they are buying them out. This company is very unpredictable to say the least
Canada is a completely different country and they have a lot of unions and labor laws in place that make it difficult for FedEx to get away with the contractor model . I’ve been told they top out quicker in Canada also. I asked you how long you’ve been working at FedEx because you sound like a newer employee. Here’s why you won’t see the “employee” model at FedEx:

1. FedEx hates unions!! Having over 6,000 contractors protects them from a union.

2. Why do you think FedEx cares bout employees? Are you topped out yet? I bet not.

3. Read the latest earnings report.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
I think looking down the line the possibility exists that even though they are folding express stations and laying off the majority of some of those stations employees, there's still a scenario where FedEx turns around and takes back the entire operation after it's become more consolidated.
Lay out the scenario where that makes sense.