It would appear that you're one of the few die hards remaining at Express.
As a publicly traded company FDX is required to file reports detailing it's operating results including it's forward looking guidance statements with shareholders as well as the SEC.
Now you might have some limited success bull crapping your way around shareholders including the many institutional traders holding large blocks of FDX stock although the information is heavily scrutinized but you simply do not put anything over on the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
FDX has made it crystal clear that it will dramatically downsize it express operations by kicking as much Express volume over to Ground as possible along with maximum use of air cargo brokers. I think it's a pretty safe bet that they meant what they said.
An estimated 29,000 people have already lost their jobs and they're just getting started.
Now the smart express guys are today assembling the parts needed to make the jump to the next chapter in their working lifetimes. Whether it's retirement, going to work for a Ground contractor although people have shot themselves for less. going to work for an industry competitor or entering a completely different economic sector. Whatever the case may be they're doing the right thing by not sitting around in denial.